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Thanks for giving my track "Hardwire" 5 stars
Our pleasure Peter! LC Team
Hey there Peter, just listened to your Instrumental "Feel'N Better", very cool musical riff! Gave you the Broad Jam 5 Stars & Likes! If you get a chance, come on down to our Broad Jam site and sit a spell or at least have a listen...... Yeepee Ki Yah..... The West Coast Corey's.......
'Back of Beyond' - very nice / interesting...has good dynamics for a movie / tv use. Keep up the good work, my friend from down under...ðŸ'Ž
Thank you very much Mark!
Thank you Ionut for adding me to your playlist. I'm going to be uploading more song in the near future. I hope you like them...Shane
Thanks for the continued support!!!
thanks for the rating Mr. Udrea i appreciate it alot more than u know, wish i was there to collab and talk with you, if you would my number 4786894389 or 2293154298 ask for keno, again thanks.
Thanks for liking my song and adding it to playlists!
Thank you so much for your ratings for the 5 star ratings on my two latest tracks, always much appreciated.
Thanks for listening Ionut!
Always a pleasure Kurt!
Thanks Ionut for listening to Strange Things and I appreciate your support
Always a pleasure Peter!
Thanks, Ionut, for your support of "Winter Black"! Susan
Always a pleasure Susan!
Thanks Ionut for your support of Drippin and In Your Face
Thanks for the support!!!
Always a pleasure!
Thank you for your support it's well appreciated
Thank you so much for the endorsement Ionut. I really appreciate it.
thanks you so much Ionut Mirel Udra :)
Thanks for the add Bless Up King!!!
Thank you for the 5 star rating! ðŸ'‰
Hey there Ionut. Thank you so much for bookmarking my latest song Promises on 1/16. Not sure how you found out so quickly but appreciated. I have uploaded the final version with lyrics. Hoping it gets placed in some licensing opportunities. Cheers!
Ionut Thanks for the 5 star rating for SOUND OF PEACE I appreciate it
Hi Peter! Thank you very much for taking the time to listen and rate my new song! I really appreciate your continuous support. All the best!
Thanks, Ionut, for your support of "Don't Let Me Go", as I headed off into the Dark Side :)
Thanks Ionut! for the high ratings and support I appreciate it!
Thanks ,Ionut for the rating and your support of TANGLED UP IN YOU
Hey Congrats on "Love, Fire and Gypsy' on the Top 10 charts... you've certainly earned it! ðŸ‘🼠Mark
thanks for the 5 and for the play list add you got a ear for the real deal #Chief
thanks for always showing me love on my music my friend, I hope all is well and continue to kick the doors down with your music!
The Time of Awoken Dreams is just that you can hearing the theme of awakening in the composition. That's incredible. You're a great composer. Thanks so much for your endorsement of my recent song Good Morning Jesus. It's an honor to have your continued support. Andrea M
Ionut, I really like Dimensions - gentle open and a great build into the finale! Thanks for your support and the stars as well. Keep up the great work!
You're very welcome Andrea and also thank you very much for your support!
Ionut, thank you for the 5 stars for Tick Tock and Sycamores
Ionut, thanks for listening to "The Lord is My Shepherd" and giving it a 5 star rating. I feel blessed. And heard!
Thank you so much for always being suportive of my songs!
yo yo checkout this new style I dropped tell me what you think
thanks for the rating and the add. I just figured I show something different and unusual side of hip hop. peace out.
congrats on your top 10 rating. you know Im in the top 10 hip hop. lets doit bro........!!!
Hi Peter! Thank you very much for taking the time to listen and rate my new song "Dimnensions"! I really appreciate your continuous support. All the best!
Thanks for your support and that 5 star's I appreciate it
You're very welcome!
Hello Peter! Thank you very much for taking the time to listen and rate my new song! I really appreciate your continuous support. All the best!
Thank you for listening to Reflections in my mind and giving it a 5 star rating I appreciate it
You're very welcome Peter!
always a pleasure!
Hi Peter! Thank you very much for taking the time to listen and rate my new song "Seasons Of Life"! I really appreciate your support. All the best!
Thank you for listening and giving my song a 5 star rating
Hi Peter! Thanks a lot for taking the time to listen and rate my new song "The Time Of Awoken Dreams "! I really appreciate your support!
Ionut. Thanks for the 5 stars and your support for FLOATING IN MY HEAD & HIGH IN THE SKY
Thank you for selecting Midnight looking forward to working with you