
Previous Comments

Rail 1978
over 30 days ago to Robert Adams

Many thanks for the review! As you so rightly suggested (this was recorded in 1978) it is more or less post punk and was a one off project album. The song itself was almost completely improvised at the end of our two day recording session in the Welsh hills. If only we'd had then the equipment we have now we'd probably have done a lot more respectable quality for the poor ears of those who listen today........
We were all rock musicians come in from the cold of the Punk years to give a show that was quality and energy, and the Dingwall's days were a riot! Aaah! When I think back!!!


Bassist Rail1978

Rail 1978
over 30 days ago to -

Many thanks for your interest in the group, defunct, but no longer anonymous after so many years!!
Good luck to you and have a great time doing what you love to do best!!!!
Graham Hewstone,

Rail 1978
over 30 days ago to Robert Adams

Dear Robert,
Many thanks for your feedback and the very positive comments concerning the song, which is typical, I would say, of the whole album. As to the recording quality you are absolutely on the nail giventhat we recorded this piece, as well as the 10 other works, in the Welsh hills of Carmarthenshire in mai 1978, having spent the weekend putting final touches to this and that and having absolutely no production experience. We played a number of dates locally and in London (Dingwall's on a Saturday evening was a major event at that time just a few ays after having finished in the studio) but the band folded and we all went our own way with our own dynamic and faded into the history of music as so many others have done.
Great review and once again many thanks.
Graham Hewstone

Rail 1978
over 30 days ago to Tom Hill

Many thanks for the review which is really over and above the call of duty!!!! Has to be said that this song, along with the whole album, was recorded in May 1978 hence the name of the group - Rail1978.... Graham, Bassist

Rail 1978
over 30 days ago to Tranzphat

Many thanks for the review guys! In understanding that our album was recorded in the Welsh hills in 1978 you'll understand why I can only say that you've put your finger exactly on the the band and its influences. Good luck to you all over there in 'Oz'. Graham, bassist, Rail 1978.

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

nice :)

over 30 days ago

and thanks

Rail 1978
over 30 days ago to wutangwilddog

Thanks for listening to, and downloading "No need to hurry" from our 1978 album Rainbow. Hope you have all the success that you are looking for. Graham, Rail 1978. Paris

Rail 1978
over 30 days ago to Rail 1978

Thanks Perry.
You got it in one! The studio was about 15 sq yards in size, with all four of us strategically placed to limit interference, especially between the bass and drums and the the guitar and vocals!!! All very prehistoric by today's standards but considering that Sergeant Pepper's was recorded on a 4 track and that we had a 16 track at our disposition you can imagine that we thought ourselves to be at the height of the technology for that time.
Listening to the album brings back a lot of memories and the fact that we were under a lot less pressure, but with perhaps less opportunity, than today. Thanks to Broadjam we have a platform that I believe to be a considerable aid to young musicians (and not so young as well) and all that is good for creativity and originality.
Best Wishes
Graham for Rail1978

Rail 1978
over 30 days ago to Perry Gentile

Dear Perry,
Many thanks for the review of our song. Just to put things in order the album form which it is taken was recorded in the Welsh Mountain Studio in 1978 so if the sound is not altogether that of modern studios you'll understand why. As to the folded in the same year so I suppose that one could say that it's a first and a restrospective album all in one.
Many, many thanks for your review and if you would like to hear the rest of the album you can go to Rail1978 on Broadjam.
Good luck with your work which is of very good quality, and I hope that you have all the success that you search in this difficult and somewhat treacherous industry.
Graham Hewstone for Rail (1978).

1 Replies
Perry Gentile
over 30 days ago

Thank You Graham, All the best to you too. From what I've heard so far, the songs are all together great. Funny... that thought did come to mind in the review of your song... It did have a 70's style recording.. I bet it was all together in one room at the same time. right? Which is a lot harder then today!! Hat's off to you! Keep writing man.. -Perry

over 30 days ago to Rail 1978

hey, love your songs and sound, hope you make me a connection. if you need any production or mastering work, drop me a line, i am doing great deals for broadjam members on all of my services. i have helped over 50 members so far. thanks

Rail 1978
over 30 days ago to SHANNON NEUTZE

And many thanks for the review. I only have to add that this song, along with the rest of the album was recorded in March 1978 in the Welsh hills! I think we missed our train at that time and I'm only living on past glory....One never knows what time can do for a bunch of oldies, eh?


Graham Hewstone, Bassist

Rail 1978
over 30 days ago to Sixty Miles Down

Many thanks for the review! I agree completely with all that you say. I'd just like to add that this song, along with the ten others on the album were recorded in March 1978, and have not, just up until this year seen the light of day since!
Good luck with your project and hoping that you arrive before such a long period of time.
Graham Hewstone

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