
Previous Comments

John Walradt
over 30 days ago to Randy Sauer

Cool to be Kind: I really like your messages of kindness and caring. Those are the messages that need to get out. The song has a nice, lilting and memorable melody. I also very much appreciate I Need A Friend. It's wonderful that you are in the teaching profession.

John Walradt
over 30 days ago to Randy Sauer

Soda Pop Bop: fun as heck, Randy! It has a great hook with bop, bops; lyrics move quickly, easily, and a terrific rockabilly beat. Terrific job!

1 Replies
Randy Sauer
over 30 days ago

Thank you so much for the comment. I appreciate you taking the time to leave such a nice comment.

Hi Randy, I liked your song Cool to be kind, It's funny my new one is alled Be kind, so i guess we were on the same thought wave. Enjoyed listening. Amy

1 Replies
Randy Sauer
over 30 days ago

Thank you. I do a "Be Kind" program for schools and I also wrote a elementary children's mini musical called "Cool To Be Kind" I also teach elementary music so it worked great for me at my school. I'll have to listen to your song. Never can be too kind!! Thanks for the nice comment!! Randy

The Sketchballs
over 30 days ago to Randy Sauer

Great Kids Music...."Rusty Gets Fit" is cool

1 Replies
Randy Sauer
over 30 days ago

Thank you!!

over 30 days ago to Randy Sauer

Good job -keep on rockin' that kazoo

1 Replies
Randy Sauer
over 30 days ago

Thank you for the comment and good rating!!!

over 30 days ago to Randy Sauer

Dear Randy, Thank you for allowing me to hear "Gospel Shoes" Barbershop original song. I enjoyed doing the review. Just keep writing all kinds and more songs!

1 Replies
Randy Sauer
over 30 days ago

Thank you for your comments!!! I appreciate your time and guidance!!

over 30 days ago to Randy Sauer

This is Outstanding for the Summer Reading Program!

1 Replies
Randy Sauer
over 30 days ago

Thank you very much!

Randy Sauer
over 30 days ago to Randy Sauer

My song "Dig Into Reading" is a nominee for the Indie Music Channel Best Children's Song Award!!!

Randy Sauer
over 30 days ago to Kate Carpenter

I love your song Give Me A Smile!! My kids in my classes would love this song!!

1 Replies
Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago

Feel Free to use it in your classes, Randy. I start out with A7 on the ba ba ba and go to D and then the other Chord is G, I bet you can figure it out. This is my song that I start out all my kids shows with. It's great cuz of the interactive Give me an S (S) etc element. Your friend in FL (but I am in NC now) Mrs. Kate

Randy Sauer
over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Thank you for your kind comments about my song "Dig Into Reading" from the DSA song contest!! I appreciate them very much and I love using broadjam!!!

1 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

Randy, Thanks for the nice note and clearly you have a knack for this genre. I have included my thoughts below as well as a link to your song and the reviews of the other DSA finalists. Thanks for being a member, Roy

Dig Into Reading - How can anyone not like this song? This is one of the best children's songs that I have ever heard. And this is clearly not the first song these writers have ever written. I assume this was co-written as it is so polished and effective. It sounds as if there were multiple ideas filtered and included in this. From the opening instrumental melody, it appeals to your happy senses. At 43 seconds, the song is already through the verse and the chorus which nails the attention span needs of its audience, kids. It talks about ice cream, pie and cake which certainly makes kids listen (and this adult as well.) Then it briefly mentions a book at the end of the first verse. The chorus nails it with "Dig Into Reading." Not only is it a great message, but the delivery and "singability" of it is as good as it gets. Although I love this, I am not sure the lyrics in the verse are as married to the melody as they are in the chorus. I think both are good, they just may not be right for each other. One other note that I didn't take into consideration, but could be a barrier for this song: although the chorus is effective, it is on the edge of sounding like an advertisement. With that said, please take of advantage of this and pitch it to groups who support reading initiatives, it would fit their missions perfectly. Great work and kudos to these writers. 1 2

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Randy Sauer

Thx for the review

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Randy Sauer

Hello Randy, just noticed your song Dig into Reading on BJ. Great song. I do a lot of library programs here in FL. I have a song called Crack a Book with a very similar message. Just wanted to send you a shout out and word of encouragement. Keep up the good work with the kiddos. Mrs. Kate, another children's artist

10 Replies
Randy Sauer
over 30 days ago

Thank you for the kind words. I enjoy doing the library shows during the summer and wrote Dig Into Reading for last summer theme. I also teach elementary music and enjoy doing the songs that encourage kids in doing reading and school things like that!! Thanks again!!


Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago

Here is my reading song, Randy: 1

Randy Sauer
over 30 days ago

I love this song. I like the part about cracking a book over watching tv. Too bad more kids don't do that!! Thanks for sharing this song with me it is awesome!!

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago

Thanks, Randy, we ought to keep in touch since we do the same kind of work. I advertised in this year....gonna see if it bears fruit. If I can get even one or 2 gigs from it, I'll consider it a good investment. Hope you have a good class this year. What grade do you teach? Mrs Kate

Randy Sauer
over 30 days ago

That sounds great. I teach K-6 Elementary Music and 6th grade beginning band. I started out years ago as just a band teacher. A number of years ago I found I really enjoyed teaching elementary music. I love their enthusiasm about music!!! I just released a DVD that has 7 dance/action songs, 6 sing a longs and 3 kazoo songs on it. Any ideas of the best way to market this? Here is a link to my webpage about it: 1 Thanks for any help. I noticed you have many cd's and videos you have done. I have done 4 cd's but this is my first DVD.

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago

Hey Randy, I visited your site. I think it would be good to have a preview clip of your video on your site. I clicked to listen to your bully song and had to wait a minute before it would play. Is the reverbnation player always like that? I think the BJ player is more instantaneous. Anyway, one of the best distribution channels I have found for my CD's is Midwest Tapes. They distribute my product to libraries in USA and Canada. I have a new video coming out in Sept. and I plan to distribute it w/ them and also work on some new venues like amazon, itunes and netflix. My songs are already on itunes but I need to learn how to get my video downloadable off those sites. Much work to do! Let's encourage and inform each other of our progress!

Randy Sauer
over 30 days ago

Thank you for the information about Midwest Tapes. I have put a couple of my CD's on iTunes, amazon and others and have had some success with that. I have been using tunecore to help with the distribution of songs digitally. Reverbnation usually works very well so I'm not sure what was happening. I may have to switch those songs over to broadjam. I really like how the players work in broadjam. Thanks

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago

How's tunecore as opposed to cdbaby? Mine are on cdbaby. I am upset that they severed biz r'ship w/ explanation.

Randy Sauer
over 30 days ago

So far I have been pleased with tunecore. I like the detailed sales reports I get with them.

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago

I am so entrenched in CD baby, I am not going to change. Yesterday I researched how to get my new video on download at Amazon through I made progress, which for me (non-techie) is saying a lot. When I have product in hand, I will complete the process. I am going to be a self-shipper with Amazon and sell downloads through createspace. Next job: getting it on I-tunes.

over 30 days ago to Randy Sauer

way to go making the kansas to 10!!! keep up the good work!

1 Replies
Randy Sauer
over 30 days ago

Thank you!! I enjoy listening to your songs!

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