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Hi Scott. I really appreciate your review of "These Words" - it's exactly why I post songs on BroadJam. Also, appreciate your recognition of These Words and Dakota Winter making the 10s. The next time I'm in Nashville, I gonna try to make one of your shows. Thanks again and take care a yourself, R.S.
R.S. I'd love to meet you sometime so please do look me up if you are in Nashville!
Hi Ted. Thanks for your thorough review; your assessment of the fiddle in the mix is on target. Actually, I rewrote the lyric without redoing the mix, so there are spots where the vocal is in competition with the music - this is most evident in the bridge, which was originally a fiddle solo. I listened to Wounded Angel and The Great Unknown - I really like the uplifting nature/feel of Wounded Angel; and the whole exploring first love thing in The Great Unknown - good stuff. Best to you, R.S. Webb
Hey Glory Bees. Thanks for the thoughtful review of Dakota Winter. Checked out your songs and I really like Ode to Mr. Reith - very fresh sound. R.S.
Hi, I just reviewed Dakota Winter and am glad I was right about the title. It's a great song. Do you ever get to south Florida? Who's the singer? Everything about it is great. Carlene Thissen
Hi Carlene - thanks for your thoughtful review of Dakota Winter. No, I don't get much further south than St. Augustine these days. I was born in north Florida but now I live in north Georgia. Julie Forrester is the singer on Dakota Winter - great talent. Take care of yourself - R.S.
Thanks for the response. I'll be watching for more of your music, hopefully on the radio!
Thanks Karen. I really appreciate you listening to the song. Take care, R.S.
Hey Mitch. Thanks for your review and comments on Dakota Winter. Take care, R.S.
Hey guys. Thanks for checking out "Dakota Winter." I'm the songwriter (lyrics and music), the vocal credit goes to a great singer working with Lorna Flowers Productions in Nashville. I listened to the first three songs below. Downfall has talent - good luck with the new project. R.S.
wow and hello R.S. i appreciate your in-depth and mostly accurate review of I'm Taking Care of Me-- yes, you are correct in the dated style comment, as i was trying to be on the traditional side with this, but also your comments on some of the structure points are well made--funny, i've been accused of "showing" rather than "telling" on the lyric side for country style tunes--that's why i haven't written a new one in a coupla years...LOL.. my main point is that you took the time to really LISTEN, and your review is a very good one all and all. best of luck to you, warren hein/songwriter
Kiara, thanks for listening to "These Words"; all the best to you. RS
Melsi, I appreciate your evaluation of my song, "These Words." Continued good luck to you. RS
Your thorough, fair and balanced review of Workin' & Livin' In The U.S.A. is most appreciated and well received. Your thoughts and comments along with others who have weighed in on said song give me constructive food for thought and what the process is all about anyway right?! Thanks again . . . Best Wishes For Wherever Life and the Music May Lead You . . .
Good day R.S.! Saw one of your song in top 10's and started to listen at other of your songs.Really like THESE WORDS ....any chance of collaboration sometimes. Thank you! Claude
Thanks for the interest Claude. Drop me a line and let me know what you have in mind. RS
Hi Scott. I appreciate your thoughtful critique of "Dakota Winter"; also, enjoyed listening to your keys. R.S.
Lola, thanks for listening to and reviewing "These Words". I have to tell you, you've got a hell of a voice and "So Over You" proves it. Best to you - RS
Carrie, Thanks for your thoughtful critique of "Dakota Winter". You can tell a lot about how meaningful a critique is by listening to the critic's music. In listening down through your songs, I hear a great deal of passion and a talent for setting moods (musically and lyrically) that genuinely draw the listener in. You don't learn that, you just have it (i.e., you just have that little mental moive camera going when you write). I'd love to hear you really open up your voice on something mid to uptempo. Best to you. R.S.
Thanks very much for listening! I like the idea of opening up my voice -- maybe the quiet is related to writing when the kids are asleep! Better start writing in the daylight. :-) Good luck to you, R.S., stay in touch!
Hey Kayo - thanks for checking out my songs "These Words" and "Dakota Winter". I listened to your songs and you've got a voice! I can hear it working into something real nice. R.S.
Hey Marc. Thanks for your recent reviews of my songs These Words and Midnight Texas Swing. I appreciate ya! R.S.
My pleasure!
HI R.S...thanks for your recent and accurate review of my song "Regular Guy"...story behind that one was there was a Taxi pitch opp for "regular guy" i wrote that one, fast, went to n-ville, got it demoed and pitched it...I realize now the pro's and cons of that decent up tempo feel, but perhaps over use of hook "Regular" good point, it doesn't sing so good:) I have since re-written it, but cant afford to re-demo as of now, so there it sits. I wanted to figure out how to make it "regular" as in "regular date night" ie "I got a regular gal we go out twice a week" but everyones thoughts seem to go towards high fiber induced movements. LOL Anyway any further comments are always welcome:) I appreciate your feedback, and hope you have a great day! Best Lee
Love the production/arrangement on Regular Guy - which studio did the demo?
thanks for your helpful and truthful comments on "My little corner of this world" like alot of us , i recorded that in 1996 on what was then advanced equipment , but don't have the $$ to re-do it. i think most honest and true songwriters view their old songs as "children they wish they could have raised differently" LOL checked out a few of your tunes, you are truly a country heartfelt purist . a couple should be on CMT/GAC , i think anyway. the biz has become so crossover & mixed up , seems like we are aliens coming to a foreign planet . keep on writin' and pitchin' have the talent and the voice.
Hey Chaz - I enjoyed My Little Corner and Human Highway (checked it out too). It's just not really country. If you wanted to write country you could certainly do it. My philosophy is that a song is never finished and this kind of site is a great place to get a little feedback. Three-quarters of the songs on my page have been rewritten at least once since I put them up on the page - occasionally, based on comments I've received on sites like BroadJam. Like you, I don't have the money to redo them, so I just put down the new vocal over a trax mix so I'll at least know what I was thinking at the time. Your right about the biz - it's gotten crazy(er) and it's tough(er). But thanks to sites like this, at least we can be heard. Best a luck to ya buddy.