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Thank you for making Garden of Curious things available for free. I love this tune.

T Tarpley
over 30 days ago to Spitting Lama MIDI

Richard...Thanks for the encouraging review of my son 'Sideways'. Very thorough and some suggestions well worth considering.
All the best to you

Spitting Lama MIDI
over 30 days ago to fuller

Thank you very much for actually listening to all 10 minutes of my suite Simply You as well as the generous score.

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

indeed it was a treat, and i must have been in a good mood too! keep on tracking!

Spitting Lama MIDI
over 30 days ago to The BpG Music

Thank you for the excellent review of Already There. It means a lot coming from artists with your background and experience. Thanks!

1 Replies
The BpG Music
over 30 days ago

Of course! Keep up the excellent tracks!

Spitting Lama MIDI
over 30 days ago to I Am The Walther

Thank you very much for your favorable review of "Azure Expanse" - I've been slacking off on promoting it and that gave me that extra motivation.

Spitting Lama MIDI
over 30 days ago to Dalton Caldwell

Unfortunately, as a reviewer, I don't get to see the song description. I kind of expect that people are putting "finished work" up for review.

Spitting Lama MIDI
over 30 days ago to Martin Dargevics

FWIW, I am from Neenah, hearing CTTE for the 1st time was likely the most significant musical event in my life. I can relate...

I feel hampered as a reviewer by everybody being able to see my reviews. When did that start? I always try to be positive but I think I will be less likely to help people because of it.

2 Replies
Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago

Just be honest and show a little compassion. You did fine in the last review you gave to me...

Just keep in mind, you won't help anyone by blowing smoke up their ass, so be honest yet considerate.


Liz Miller
over 30 days ago

I know longer review because of this....

I feel hampered as a reviewer by everybody being able to see my reviews. When did that start? I always try to be positive but I think I will be less likely to help people because of it.

I feel hampered as a reviewer by everybody being able to see my reviews. When did that start? I always try to be positive but I think I will be less likely to help people because of it.

1 Replies
Robert Adams
over 30 days ago

I agree with this, as well.

Robert Adams
over 30 days ago to Spitting Lama MIDI

Thanks for the review of my song "Aeroplex." I really appreciate that you took the time (especially post dentistry) to provide such comprehensive comments with such helpful, valuable advice and perspective. That was one of the most useful reviews I've ever had here.

4 Replies
Spitting Lama MIDI
over 30 days ago

You betcha'. People work hard on their music and deserve to have someone take the time to do a decent review. Reviews are why I stay with Broadjam. BTW - my son collects Ibanez guitars. If that interests you can see some at Van01010100 on youtube.

Robert Adams
over 30 days ago

I did check that out, with a major WOW for your son! Watched the cover of Steve Vai's "For the Love of God." That's a really tough piece to learn just based on the notes, but add the emotion (since that's what that tune is about) and it's got to be way more difficult to pull off. He did that amazingly well, accurately, precisely. Looks like he has several videos, that I'm going to check out as well.

Sounds like he installed DiMarzio Evolution pickups in an RG model? Do you know if that's correct, and if that's a basswood body? Thinking about doing that, myself, in a Prestige.

Spitting Lama MIDI
over 30 days ago

Finally got my computer working again! Thanks for taking the time to check out Van's FTLoG video. I can't keep track of his guitars. That's like hime keeping track of my synths. You can ask yourself through Youtube. Thanks.

Robert Adams
over 30 days ago

Thanks. Yes, I should have just asked directly. As it happened that gave me the push to put those pickups in my Prestige which is already set up for coil splitting.

Hey just listened to "Garden of Curious Things." Love it!

1 Replies
Spitting Lama MIDI
over 30 days ago

Thank you, thank you. Sorry - it's a while between my visits to Broadjam. If you liked "Garden" then you may like "Azure Expanse" which I hope to upload in the next couple days....

Spitting Lama MIDI
over 30 days ago to Robert Adams

I was scuba diving in Bonaire and came back to your review of my song "Ascent to My Garden of Curious Things". Thank you, thank you, thank you. It's very satisfying when I feel that someone understands my music. Thank you.

7 Replies
Robert Adams
over 30 days ago

Glad to have reviewed that. After reviewing I checked to see who the artist was. I remembered seeing the title high on the Top Ten lists for a long, long time, and now I see (or hear) why. For general listeners, it's a fascinating and complex composition. For artists and songwriters it's a "how to" demonstration of how it should all go together and the judgment it takes to make that happen.

On a different note... I wish I was scuba diving in Bonaire right now.

Sun Voyage
over 30 days ago

I had to chime in for a thread jack for a second when I saw Bonaire. I went snorkeling there a few years back, and it was AMAZING! I, too, wish I was there :). Now back to your regularly scheduled reviewing...

Sun Voyage
over 30 days ago

p.s. gave that song 5 stars. Cool vibe and very well produced.

Robert Adams
over 30 days ago

Wasn't that song amazing, Shawn? Just when you think more creative elements couldn't possibly be added there are another four minutes of them. It just keeps getting better and better as the song goes along. Absolutely no sag in the fascination realm.

I'll probably get $15,000,000 today from the widow of some newly deceased government official with my same last name. You know, money that needs a US bank account. If that comes through, I'll spring for a Bonaire snorkling trip for all of us.

Sun Voyage
over 30 days ago


A Show of Hands
over 30 days ago

I want in on this deal, But guys that is one of the most complex and feel good electronica songs I've come across, very well done!!! 5 star.

over 30 days ago

Hey, Robert! I haven't listened to that song yet, but it sounds like it's about something similar to the "Nigerian Scam". A true story: About five years ago, knowing what the deal is with that scam, I decided to have some fun. I opened one of their emails and replied to it: I am very interested in doing this! I'm in the middle of a divorce though and I don't want my wife to find out about this, so please don't email me at this address because she'll find out about it. In the future, contact me at: Funny, they haven't ever written back.....

Alfred LaLuna
over 30 days ago to Spitting Lama MIDI

And by the way, the music you've uploaded is absolutely incredible. I can hear the years and years of a style that's been carefully crafted and perfected in your music. And I mean that absolutely.

2 Replies
Spitting Lama MIDI
over 30 days ago

Comments like this make it all worth it. Thank you very much.

Spitting Lama MIDI
over 30 days ago

My next upload will be the epitome of Lama Music. Azure Expanse is coming. If I got the mix/master right I think it will be a #1 on the Downbeat chart.

Alfred LaLuna
over 30 days ago to Spitting Lama MIDI

Thank you for your very thorough and kind review of "defender." I'm glad you mentioned the guitar. Since I've got you here, could I trouble you to recommend a way of fixing that particular sound to make it appear more authentic? The synth sound, "jazz guitar", on my Alesis was the most fitting type for that bit. But, as a whole, it barely sounds like a guitar at all and, after endless tweaking and "bending", still sounds like a synth guitar. Again, I thank you for the review and look forward to hearing from you once again.


Spitting Lama MIDI
over 30 days ago to Alfred LaLuna

Loved "defender". From you "artist description" I can understand why I feel your work speaks to me. I do this only for the love of it and to try and get better.

Phyllis Sanchez
over 30 days ago to Spitting Lama MIDI

Thank you for the great review of "Bright Days Rag", and the comments & suggestions. Very helpful. I listened to your songs "Ascent to My Garden Of Curious Things", and "Engage", I enjoyed the listen. The recordings are really great quality recordings as well as creative. Best to you. Phyllis

1 Replies
Spitting Lama MIDI
over 30 days ago

Thanks back. Keeping the early jazz forms alive with new work is a great thing and I'm happy people are doing it. Rave on.

over 30 days ago to Spitting Lama MIDI

Thanks for the swell review on "Magic Of The Season". Your review is well received!

2 Replies
Spitting Lama MIDI
over 30 days ago

When I think something is really good it makes it easier to review. The pleasure was mine...

over 30 days ago

Thanks again!

Spitting Lama MIDI
over 30 days ago to dbrown

Wow. I just gave you a 5 and you are the person that I felt understood my work. That's just spooky. I don't give tons of 5s. I bow to your musical spirit....

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thanks for your words of encouragement. Karma is alive and well! lol

Spitting Lama MIDI
over 30 days ago to dbrown

Thanks for the excellent review of "The Former Process". I really needed something positive right now. May blessings rain upon you for providing it. Not only that...I feel as if you understood what I was doing.

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

It's all about the landscape! Enjoyed the journey!

phil smith
over 30 days ago to Spitting Lama MIDI

great review on my overlong song " whats wrong with something good"
. thanks for thinking about it, listening and for your comments. good luck

Alan Smith
over 30 days ago to Spitting Lama MIDI

Thank you for your review of "Shadows In The Mist". I found it very useful and will consider making some of your suggested amendments.

1 Replies
Spitting Lama MIDI
over 30 days ago

I was probably a little picky but everything I seem to get anymore sounds great so I have to stretch. It used to be easier....

Thanks for your always honest and insightful review.

3 Replies
Spitting Lama MIDI
over 30 days ago

That review was easy because the tune was at the level where I felt there was nothing I could bring to the table.

Dave Haddad (CenterPeace)
over 30 days ago

Thanks so much! Well it looks like you just reviewed the instrumental version now and liked it better, as many do. Great spot on review of "Destined to Fly" (Espresso at 3am), yes it does need a melody or head but when I did my record I mastered the instrumentals with just the vocal muted and didn't add anything else to enhance or suggest a theme. Your suggestion about "Falling Deeper" should maybe being Pop instead of Downbeat Electronic makes sense but honestly I don't see that song in the Pop genre (it's too trippy or underground and not so mainstream). I'm not really sure where it belongs, maybe New Age Progressive... For now I will leave it in Downbeat and thanks again for your always professional and educated reviews!! Dave

Dave Haddad (CenterPeace)
over 30 days ago

I ended moving "falling Deeper" out of Elec. Downbeat genre and put it into Pop- Dreampop. Thanks for the suggestion.

over 30 days ago to Spitting Lama MIDI

Thanks for your review please feel free to check out my latest releases under my drumschool alias via my profile page here on broadjam.

Spitting Lama MIDI
over 30 days ago to Bryant Johnson

You are an excellent reviewer. Thanks for your work on "Ascent To My Garden.

Spitting Lama MIDI
over 30 days ago to Johnny Blackburn

Thanks for your review of "Ascent To My Garden". You are a top notch reviewer.

over 30 days ago to Spitting Lama MIDI

Thanks for the very in-depth review of my song. Keep up the good work

Spitting Lama MIDI
over 30 days ago to Steven Senisi

Thank you for your excellent review of my song "Speechless". Truly. And from a Berklee-ite. I have respect that background.

over 30 days ago to Spitting Lama MIDI

Big thanks for your feedback and support under my drumschool alias.Please feel free to keep upto date with future drumschool releases via my broadjam profile page.

over 30 days ago to Spitting Lama MIDI

Thanks for the review, very nice to hear an in-depth review, well though out and even a mention of the chord progression, impressive. The intent of "Infinite Time" was just the mood it sets. It's not complex or even a song really, just an ambient mood with a bit of detail hidden in the harmonics - thanks SO much for hearing the subtle detail, means allot and excites me that there a few out there that take the time to really listen and appreciate the fine details.

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