
Previous Comments

Victor Sabattini
over 30 days ago to Ted Myers

Hello Ted, Thank you very much for your critiques of my music. I have been sending you selected songs that I wrote years ago that I have been thinking about rewriting with new sounds and trying to improving the material. Your advice has been helping me a lot. The new material I sent you, and will be sending you more, is the new direction I am going into. Writing lyrics is fairly new new me ....and I am not a singer at all...however I have been singing on the new material so that I can show a singer how to sing the songs. Also the finale recordings will have a actual bass player and much better drums on them. What you are reviewing are my song "blue prints " . I have and will be sending you my new material as I write it , so that with your advice and direction I can improve and evolve the song before I do a finale recording of it. I very much appreciate your help . Thank you. Victor Sabattini

1 Replies
Ted Myers
over 30 days ago

Hi Victor, Ah ha. It all makes sense now! Thanks for the info, as this helps me review your material in the proper context.

Gary Black
over 30 days ago to Ted Myers

Thank you Ted for the thorough review of my song. Your suggestions and critique will go a long way to further my musical journey. ~Gary Black

1 Replies
Ted Myers
over 30 days ago

Good to hear that, Gary. You're very welcome!

Ted Myers
over 30 days ago to Creative InRoads, LLC

Hi Peter,

I'm humbled by your rave review of my song "Forever Blue." thanks so much!

Ted Myers

1 Replies
Creative InRoads, LLC
over 30 days ago

it's an outstanding track that I highly recommend others take a listen to. . . truly unique style.

Ted Myers
over 30 days ago to Marjorie & DC Cardwell

Hi Marjorie & DC,
Thanks for your very kind review of my song "Every Little Once in a While." I see we share some musical influences in common. You can hear this an 11 more of my mellower songs on my latest album, LifeAfterlife, available on CD Baby and all the usual other places. It can also be heard on Spotify. Best of luck with your musical pursuits!
Ted Myers

1 Replies
Bruce Mills
over 30 days ago

Thank you for your review of my song "I would die for you." With your suggestions, I will definitely get to a better production one of these days. Much appreciation from Bruce

Noel Cohen
over 30 days ago to Ciara Elizabeth

Hey Ciara

great voice, if you're coming east and want to do some writing, contact me


3 Replies
Ciara Elizabeth
over 30 days ago

Hi Noel,

Thank you so much. I will definitely keep that in mind!


Ted Myers
over 30 days ago

Dear Ciara Elizabeth,

When I reviewed your song, "Dear You" a few weeks ago I criticized the quality of the recording. I now find that there are intermittent problems with the interface between the player and my computer that are causing EVERYTHING to sound muffled and terrible. I just played your song again and it sounds great! So, my apologies, please disregard that part of my review. I guess, other than that, I thought you were terrific!

All the best,
Ted Myers
Pro Reviewer

Ciara Elizabeth
over 30 days ago

Ted - thank you so much! I am honored that you even took the time to revisit, that means the world. I have added a few songs to the list that have been mastered and will be a part of my upcoming EP. Would love to know your thoughts.

Alan Babbitt
over 30 days ago to Ted Myers

Hi Ted - Thank you very much for your thoughtful review of my Spammer song. As you could probably tell, I'm new to this level, so your comments were a much needed reality check, and right on. I really appreciated your mix of positive feedback, useful suggestions and honest comments about what needs to improve. I was especially pleased to hear my songwriting is a plus - at least on this tune. ;-) I've got some more songs in the works and when the next one is ready, you'll be hearing from me. Thanks again, Alan

Ted Myers
over 30 days ago to Brenda Craven

Hey Brenda,
Thanks for the very fair and insightful review of my song, "Forever Blue." You're absolutely right about the vocal that key was a bit "ambitious" for me.


Rosedale Crossing
over 30 days ago to Ted Myers

Hey Ted, thanks for reviewing our tracks and offering such thorough advice - much appreciated. Glad you like the songs themselves and we absolutely agree that, if we want to become pro recording artists in our own right, then we need to improve our chops! Alas, full time jobs and families seem to get in the way of practice these days... :)

We're going to mull over whether we should spend time adding more instrumentation and re-working those parts which need brushing up a little. However, if you're interested, you can hear the five tracks that you reviewed in the context of our 12-track demo album at 1 I suspect that you actually might like the final track on the album best but, if you have any more thoughts, we'd love to hear them...

Have a great Christmas and a happy, healthy 2013!

Duncan / Rosedale Crossing

1 Replies
Ted Myers
over 30 days ago

Same to you, Duncan! It was a pleasure listening to your music and I was glad to be of some assistance. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Best of Luck!


John Lord
over 30 days ago to Ted Myers

Thanks, Ted, for your interesting review of my song "Twenty-First Century Trends". I'm sorry you didn't really get the gist of the song, but you're right - it was meant to be creative rather than just blatantly commercial. Thanks for your time taken to write all you did. Regards, John.

1 Replies
jon lukas woodenman
over 30 days ago

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