
Previous Comments

over 30 days ago to The Cardboard Man


The Cardboard Man
over 30 days ago to Chet Nichols

I'm on to you Chet...Big time...

The Cardboard Man
over 30 days ago to HtownSmittie

Thanks for the review...On the topic of my song sounding like another song. Every song sounds like another song. Only so many notes in a scale, only so many good chord progressions, Humanity has reached it's musical limits, beyond them it becomes anything but music. Perfect example of this is the youtube video "Four chords, 50 songs" or something along those lines. Good luck with the music man.

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Great point. Thanks for the comment.

Thanks for the review homie. I thought you really took the time. The instruments used were violin, stand up bass , banjo an drums. All played by me. The lyrics were just me imagining myself as the chicken that supposedly crossed the road and singing about it years later in some smokey barnyard jazz club. lol. Basically my pen never hit the page, this was the second song ive done where I completely freestyled the lyrics. It's supposed to me more some drunk chicken telling this tale, running off on tangents and finally exposing the truth at the end. Thanks for listening and thanks for the good review.

1 Replies
Dave Haddad (CenterPeace)
over 30 days ago

lolol, that's a funny story, wish I knew the concept before I reviewed it. Good job for your second song!

The Cardboard Man
over 30 days ago to JAMES

Thanks for the review James! I appreciate the honesty. Keep on keepin' on.

The Cardboard Man
over 30 days ago to Bobby and Leslie

Thanks for the review of my song! :)

Thanks for your review of "Tomorrow I got Fired" What is funny about my music lately is this. For a long time, the majority of my song writing career I avoided swear words constantly. It was only in the past year that I started to not care so much about it. So believe it or not, I am proud of the swear words. I've been dropping F bombs since I was 15 and I've spent 5 years writing music without any in it. So between you and me PGO, I believe I deserved it. :)

2 Replies
Creative InRoads, LLC
over 30 days ago

well, who the FUCK am I to disagree? truth: there is no right or wrong (until somebody wants to interject an opinion) provided harm is not intended nor gain using pain is the rule of the day. you make good music Cardboard Man and wish you nothing less than the best of it!

Bekker Audio Productions
over 30 days ago

PGO said the F-Word! :)

Thanks for the reviews chuck. I am fairly certain you have done 2 of them. Reviewing music that doesn't fit your personal taste requires a quality not a lot have. You do it well. So big ups to Piano Man Chuck!!

1 Replies

Thanks for your positive comment! I never felt that personal taste should deter from reviewing... in fact, it ads to it! Music elements are there in every genre... uniqueness, mix quality, etc. While not my personal taste, your music is very well done. I think I reveiwed 3 of your songs ;)

The Cardboard Man
over 30 days ago to RAFT

Thanks for the review of "The Answer" I never wrote lyrics to the song, just made them up as I recorded. So getting a low review on my lyric quality is expected. Thanks for being honest, and I really have no idea where to put my music on this site. BTW: I play banjo and violin and well, a lot of instruments and I record and mix and write everything on my own. So its just one guy, hence, The Cardboard Man, not Men. Thanks for the comments, Cheers!

Thank for your review on Feeling The Need, Cardboard Man. You may not fully understand song because it is not your average Rap/Hip-Hop song, it was written and produced before the here and now. Listen to the Words again you will get it. This song is speaking about the Rich verses the poor and blindness and the oppression of the little people. Keeping us distracted in media, music, etc. Hope this helps you to understand, and listen again. I will also check out your tunes now bro. Have a great day.

2 Replies
The Cardboard Man
over 30 days ago

I found the topics you just named to be very classic topics for any song in the hip hop genre. In fact, the lyrics of your song are very Hip Hop, the beat combined with the chorus give it a rap vibe. I've written on said topics many times, In fact most of my lyrics are laced with anti-conformity, anti-government, anti-media, anti-anti. etc. This is actually the obvious line of similarity between folk/rock music in the 60's and Hip Hop in the late 80's to now. Rap in my opinion is the rejected brother of Hip Hop that sold out in the 90's and turned into a freak show after 2000. Real Hip Hop is alive and well...Just gotta look for it, or listen I should say. Thanks Biz, Have a good one!

Good morning Cardboard Man. Thanks for responding to my comment. I can dig it man. You keep up the good work.I checked out a couple of your cuts. That one the day before you lost your job was tight, I really like it. Stay in touch. Peace & Blessings.

Dave Normand
over 30 days ago to The Cardboard Man

Hey man, thanks for your thoughts on my tune, "Take a Chance". I like your technical perspective. I'm just trying to wrap my head around this recording thing. Writing, playing, recording and mixing... I really need to farm some of this out to the pros!!!
Cheers man!

Kelly Triplett
over 30 days ago to The Cardboard Man

Hi Gabe,
Thank you for your review of my song, "Everything Here Is Blue". I appreciated your comments. I found it interesting that you thought there was an auto-tune on the vocals. We put a little reverb on them, but that was it. Anyway, thanks for listening and I hope you enjoy your Broadjam experience. It's a great site for meeting other musicians. Best regards, Kelly

3 Replies
The Cardboard Man
over 30 days ago

Who did your mixing?

Kelly Triplett
over 30 days ago

The studio where I recorded the song. In Jacksonville, FL.

Kelly Triplett
over 30 days ago

We did four takes and selelcted the best sections from each take.

Susan Nikas
over 30 days ago to The Cardboard Man

Hi Gabe, Thank you for your kind review of my song, Dancing in my Kitchen. I just listened to Tomorrow I Got Fired; strange but good. Glad to see you play the upright bass! Good luck on it all~~Sue Nikas

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to The Cardboard Man

Hey there Cardboard Man, first review I have ever had from you. Glad you liked the Nap Song, despite the vintage recording. Yep, I'm a country girl. I live in the South and our town's population is about 1000. So I come by the twang honestly. Hope to hear some of your music. Incidentally, here is the baby Nap song in case you are interested in hearing the younger version of the song: 1

Nick Fuse
over 30 days ago to The Cardboard Man

Cardboard, man. Great job on Greatest Mistake. Come join the party for the People! St. Nickolas

2 Replies
The Cardboard Man
over 30 days ago

Thanks Nick, What party are you referring to?

Nick Fuse
over 30 days ago

Folk. It is dying in the 21st century. Some have called me to record all the standards before they are lost forever. If you are interested in Collaboration, I have some tunes that could use a Stand-Up Bass genius. Working together often makes us better than we are. - Nick

The Cardboard Man
over 30 days ago to Melissa Lauren

Great song, Great voice, just plain awesome. Might I add, quality talent. Seriously...I am in search of a female vocalist to record or collaborate with on a song. Your voice and singing style is harder to find then you might think. Check out some of my tracks and let me know if you could see it. BTW: I am very diverse so if one song strikes you in a bad way, go to the next, chances are you will run into something you dig. An thats the cardboard promise.

Good stuff Melissa, Major Props to you

The Cardboard Man
over 30 days ago to The Cardboard Man

How many songs do you like that weren't recorded with Protools? How many of them weren't mixed to todays standards?

In a day an age where more people then ever can record in their own homes. Why have a standard at all? Did your neighbor pound on your wall when you were recording that vocal part? Keep the take!! Was your cat scratching at the door when you were trying to record your guitar part? Find it in the mix and crank it up!! Don't let all of this cool stuff that would never be heard get deleted. Did you think recording your acoustic song under a park shelter when it was raining was a bad idea? It freaking wasn't, Do IT!! Embrace the uniqueness all of us home recording folks experience because sometimes it can be that which makes the song or recording that much cooler. To those of you who think i'm crazy....I might be...But my point is, if you auto-tune and do everything by the book, you will be glad to know that a ton of other people that you will sound just like did the same thing. I'm anti-cookie cutter, plastic wrapped, mc-music from the get-go.

That is all... Cardboard Out!

The Cardboard Man
over 30 days ago to The Cardboard Man

The majority of people DON'T have a critical ear. They are not listening to how a sample sounds or if that is a real guitar or a fake guitar. They are not listening to the drum part wondering if that was a mistake or if they meant for that to be that way etc, etc. As artists this is something we should never forget. Next time your debating getting the newest (insert random expensive production tool here) think about working on your mixing more or practicing singing or learning a new instrument or using a different technique before you think you can buy yourself to better music.

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Parias Day
over 30 days ago

True that man

over 30 days ago to The Cardboard Man

I agree with your comments on "This is the Last Time". What program would you suggest using for the mixing re-recording of it?

2 Replies
The Cardboard Man
over 30 days ago

The tools are far less important than the mind using them...I don't mean this offensively. What I am saying is that people get wrapped up in gear, I call them "Gear Whores" because its all about sample packs and the best this or that. There are talented individuals that fit this persona but the gear isn't what made them talented. With that said, obviously having the basics is important. What do you currently record with and mix with. and what kind of mic do you use?

over 30 days ago

I have been using garage band since I began recording. I just recently got Protools SE. When I play back my instrumentals I can hear ever imperfection of the patch used. The corny sound of the violin and cello. I know the development and form to the piece is good but the fact that I don't have anything to make dynamics in the piece really limit my what I can do with my piece as far as recording and writing. Hense why I asked. Oh ya and in my area there are no string players really. Instead there are young teenagers who play guitar and try to look cool doing it. Very sad...

Matia Dathen
over 30 days ago to The Cardboard Man

Thanks for reviewing 'Kicking a Dead Horse'. It is a little out of character for me being weened on Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth and such but I was tinkering with some off chords and it just developed into a song with a depressing undertone. I will prolly get back into some ballady metal, but I am a sucker for tragic expression.



Mike Lewis
over 30 days ago to The Cardboard Man

Hey Dude- Thanks for your review of "Get By Boulevard".

1 Replies
The Cardboard Man
over 30 days ago

No problem, you were one of the 3 out of 7 songs I reviewed yesterday that I thought was actually well done. I might not like a lot of recent country music but I can tell when its good and your music is.

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