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Thank you for your review of Little One. BTW the low score doesn't bother me, but your fixation on whether a song is commercial or what category it goes in seems to affect your ability to review a song. To give 1/5 for those lyrics is just nonsense.
Hi Bob, I've learned my lesson, no more reviews for me. I gave some reviews when I joined a few days ago at the constant prompts to "review" songs. Apparently, the more words one types in a review the higher the review, no matter what words you type. I could've simply said more and the review would've been a higher score. Live and learn. The last thing I want to do is review someone's songs or offend. apologies - take care, trey
Hi Trey, In this case, it's nothing to do with the volume of words Trey, it's what the words and scores actually represent. When you give a score of 1/5 for an aspect of a song you are saying it's as bad as it can get. Whether good or bad, the text should explain why the song has been scourged in this way. The song category is such a minor aspect of someone putting their work up to be dissected by others, it should have little bearing on the overall review outcome. Please don't give up reviewing, but read up the guidance available and try to understand that all of us are in the same boat, we all have fragile egos and we all require genuine feedback so that we can improve our craft. The part I find the hardest is reviewing a song that I really didn't enjoy, I either reject it and go on to the next one or do my very best to be dispassionate and provide the most encouraging and constructive feedback I am able to do. Please don't think I'm being patronising, reviewing songs is a major part of the enjoyment on BJ and you will miss out if you don't take part. Finally, as many will attest, I don't believe in telling someone their song is good when it isn't, but I do try to ensure my comments are constructive and as impartial as possible. I only expect the same in return. We all have turkeys, we just need to be told that gently! Keep well, Bob
Bob I guess I've grown a thick skin to rejection in this business. For every one of my 100+ cuts I've been told 100 times: "pass", "not what we're looking for", "nope" and zero response at all. As a publisher I've reviewed 1000s of songs by pro writers so I guess over time my watermarks have become set and pro writers have massive egos too, but fragile part goes away. I hear you and I understand where you're coming from! much luck sincerely, trey
And to you Trey. (If I had cash for all the opportunities that have not happened and the very close calls for some bigger projects, I'd be a rich man too!)
"She's got soul" That's a hit! Great job across the board Trey! LC Team
thanks so much LCP!
"A Little Less" Great tune!
thanks again my friend, much appreciated.
Hey Trey, Thanks for the song review! I noticed that you gave the song L Miracle a relatively low score...I would love if you could elaborate on why you felt things like the recording was less then desirable for example.So that i might get a broader perspective on what you heard and what you feel could change in the track to make it more desirable to the listener.Thanks again! LC Team
I'm sorry dude, I don't remember saying the recording was less than desirable and I don't recall exactly what the score was. I'm new here, this is my first day...and it might be my last hahaha. It's quite possible there's something I don't understand about the critique part. I noticed that the more I typed, no matter what I said, the higher the scores would go so, that was a little weird. Maybe I simply didn't say enough, possibly too brief and it just kept the scores low. apologies if I offended, trey
Lol I see the score was 22 out of 40,I really am not offended in the lease bit, was just curious and thought you seem to have a keen ear and the experience to give a constructive listen and critique and feedback that i might not possibly be able to hear myself,being so close to so many different songs over such a long period of time....You did not literally write that the recording was undesirable, that is just my poor choice of words because for the recording section you gave me 3 out of 5, i know that that may not sound like a big deal to you and for all intense and purposes it really isn't but considering i have been producing,recording,arranging,compo sing, mixing and mastering music in 10 different genre's for over 30 years, it was challenging for me to pin point what you might be hearing that would give you the impression that at least the recording would be a 5 out of 5,lol...So i thought might ask to get a little bit of extended input to expand my horizons a bit.You never know, there is always plenty to learn in this business as i am sure you know...No offense either way my man, i know you are still working your way through on here, so the the process is a little unclear, i would say for the most part, you did a thorough job on explaining your perspective on what you heard and how you felt, i was just curious on how you cam to that conclusion and particular rating on some of the sections...
Now that I know that 5 stars equal 40 I'll adjust my scale. I think all my reviews came in around 3-3.5 stars, I'm just guessing. I think that's the last of my reviewing!! take care