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Lovely thoughts expressed.
Thank you for taking the time to write! This is off an album of songs inspired by our visit to Gettysburg and the stories we heard there. During the pandemic, all of our music is free to download. You can head to if interested. Thanks again for your kind words.
Best Days Of My Life Indeed! ... Beautiful - Beautiful - Beautiful ... (:>o) ...
Thanks so much... of course, there's a story behind it....
Windfall ... Magical - Mystical Night Indeed! ... Love That Song ... Your Vocal, Lyric And Simple Yet Perfectly Produced Mix / Arrangement Take It Over The Top .... (:>o) ... Best Wishes For Your Continued Success .. J Nelson K did you come across the song, out of curiosity.... I will check out your music as well...
Windfall, Actually, I Wondered The Same Thing At First As I Reached Your Home Page Via Folk Genre List ... I Then Looked At Your List Of Songs And Wanted To Be Sure Based On Your Bio That I Selected An "Original Work" ... After Listening To And Commenting On The Song, I Realized It Was Labeled As Unique-Children's Etc ... (:>O) ... Glad I Found It Albeit, A Roundabout Way! Have A Great Day / Weekend On The Way ... J Nelson K
Thanks for letting me know. That often happens to me as well, though not so much lately as I am swamped with things of life. Thanks for reaching out and being an encouragement... Hello If you have time check out my new recording. New songs coming out next week. Feel free to share or leave a comment. Have a good day!
THANK YOU for connecting I really like you songs...I am friend in music....Delta
Our local paper just released an interview article featuring us as local artists. Thought you might enjoy some background! 1
Hey... Just saw you had a song chosen and wanted to take a listen ... Great music, my friend. Love the lyrics and the production, but mostly you have a classic country voice. Impressive! Good luck in your career...folks should be listening! Char
Thanks Char -Which song was it?
That' ALOT! of semi-finalists (UK). Well deserved Hank
I just finished reviewing in the "Love" Can. "Dear Love" was the very last song I heard. I can't tell you what a pleasure it was to hear such a pure, simple, beautifully done song after all the 'blather'. Thank you for writing it and allowing us to hear it. Hank Thomas
Hi Hank.. I cannot tell you how much of an encouragement this comment was to me. It is a noisy world out there, and I am not a clanging cymbals kind of girl. A little back story: the song is from an album I wrote called "Prayers of the Blue and Grey". My husband and I visited Gettysburg in 2012, and I was overwhelmed by the stories I heard of courage and loss. This song was written from the standpoint of a soldier awaiting the battle the next day. Msoldiers often wrote letters to leave in their pockets for loved one in case they died in battle. I noticed you had a semifinalist last year in the UK. Laat was the first year I entered and had a couple place.
Sorry for the misspellings I cannot correct... This is an awkward space to write in with an iPad. Anyway, I just want to thank you for taking the time to write... It meant more to me than you will ever know. The song you liked is a semifinalist this year...
I sent a note to your website... you are such an encourager!
Sorry for the delay...just saw your note.... Kind of you to connect... Have fun this year!
Congrats on the placement, Chad... As a fellow Broadjammer, I love to hear about other people's success. Cool tune with lots of energy!
Hi windfall. Thanks for the review of painted bunting. Mrs. Kate
Prayers are with you!
Thank you very much for your review of "Help Me Doctor". I listened to several if your songs and particularly liked "Johnny Won't Come Marching Home." Marv
Thanks! Our Gettysburg experience was pretty powerful.
Hi thanks for the review of forever's never far away. i plan to re-record that one sometime. agree with your comments , cheers
Thanks for the listen and review of the wedding song it was recorded for my godson's wedding. One of my favorites...they had a choose of the Wedding song, Sunrise Sunset.or Turn Around, my version. Again thank you.
Congratulations, Chris...I saw that your song was one of those picked up for this listing... Loved the song... Love your vibe as an artist ... Best of luck... Can't wait to see what other successes await!
Thanks Char! Looking forward to hearing their final decision on the whole thing, but it's been a very encouraging process regardless :) All the best!
You have a great voice, Chris...I was immediately pull into the song... also, the lyrics put together with the rhythm creates such a peaceful, restful vibe... easy to see why this was considered.... Good luck! Char
Wow, thanks so much, Char! This comment came as a very pleasant surprise. I had a listen to some of the music on your profile as well. Very pretty stuff, and you have a gorgeous voice. All the very best to you, my friend. Chris
Charlotte, "Give Me That Memory" is a wonderful piece of work. Thank you for sharing it here. Yuri
Thanks... So sorry I did not see this until now. Good luck with your music!
Char, this song is absolutely wonderful and quite possibly perfect. There is something wrong with the world if it cannot embrace the beauty of this song. It makes me sad to see that you haven't gotten more plays. Keep your hopes up because there are people like me who love your work. So much so that I looked it up just based on the lyrics after peer reviewing it for one of the contests. Good luck!
You are very kind to take the time to write me this note... After many years of sitting on the bench, I just decided to just send songs out into the universe... They will fall and take root where they will... Or not... Since you are a writer, you know that in the end, it is all about the story that keeps you awake until it is told. Your words brought great encouragement...may blessings flow richly to and through you... Peace, Char
Thank you, Char! I wish you the same. Your words are wise. Even though I know it's a blessing to be chosen by a song as its manifester, it's hard to not let my ego get caught up in the process-. But I think the only way is to confront the ego when both bad and good news comes and then, hopefully, it will gradually fade or evolve into something better. I hope your songs soar into the atmosphere for all the world to hear. Peace and best wishes, Annah