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Damidol is a a grungy punk metal trio from Madison Wisconsin. Damidol's sound is characterized by both distorted guitar and bass with a Frankenstein drum kit that was originally purchased for $5. At times the sound is similar to the likes of Killdozer, The Misfits, The Melvins, Agent Orange and Husker Du. Damidol's philosophy is to put on an entertaining show framed by ridiculous lyrics and high energy. The song "The Stalker" is the prefect example.

You've got the prettiest teeth that i have ever seen on a human
This story has no end, i'm waiting for you to invite me out of the van
Thinking of you is all i ever want to do, you make me fuzzy down to my spleen
Why does everybody think it's a problem, i'm 45 and you're not quite 18?

The origins of Damidol reach back early to 2001 & 2002 when lead singer and guitar player Trevor began writing some of the material that Damidol plays today. With no real band surrounding Trevor, and having attempted to helm several previous incarnations of damidol the project never really took off until joining up with current members Bob (drums) and Natalie (bass) in late 2007. The group has since further developed some of the original library while pushing a new collaborative direction among the trio.


This Artist has 1 Album


This Artist has 1 Video


Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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