-Dan David started violin at age 7. After completing a music program and playing classical concerts all over Montreal and areas,
At, 17, he discovered his songwriting talents, as a need of Expression through music and lyrics, and has developed his art, making new music and creating songs that have deep insight, a message, a vision behind them, to add meaning to LIFE.
Dan then moved to Toronto to pursue his music career.
In 1998: A MAJOR LABEL offered a publishing deal,
Dan David declined the deal and kept polishing his music. In 2004 his first CD, The Right Place was released and now available on ITUNES, CDBABY, look out for it.
-Hearing his CD, many noticed Dan's own style and signature sound, having a message in his songs that moves listeners. Dan's MUSIC is available for Licencing, Visit Dan David on myspace at the link provided.
* "Great cinematic potential. Bravo" pro. m.o.b reviewer
**See thousands of comments on myspace.


This Artist has 1 Album


over 30 days ago to DAN DAVID

Dan do you have worship music? We are Christians who support Israel and God's chosen. Love and blessings for such awesome music. it is our dream to one day visit Israel. Jane x


Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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