I'm a television writer who also writes music for TV series -- mostly roots rock. My songs are raw and mostly recorded from performances, so don't expect flawless production. I like the raw stuff, I like "mistakes" in songs -- I go more for music "personality" than perfection. That said, I do appreciate criticism -- I get it every day on everything I write... it's my way of life and it's made me a better artist. Thanks to anyone who stops and listens and I hope I can do the same for you.

Latest News

I've got a new series coming to television called COSMIC QUANTUM RAY. If you have Dish TV and get Animania, please take a look. It's HD CGI and it stars the voice of Tom Kenny -- Mr. SpongeBob Squarepants. I didn't do the music, but I and my partner, Pam Hickey developed and wrote the series. If you don't like my songs, I hope you like my series.

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