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Doug Henninger
Unique - Unclassified
Richmond , VA
Song Plays: 79
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The Jester and the King
Classical - Renaissance
Plays: 60
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A Cheater
Country - Honky Tonk
Plays: 17
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I write, play, and sing mostly my own material, but it covers a gamut of styles and includes songs that do not fall into any category. I write blues, Renaissance, mainstream country, pop, and bluegrass (more like real 'mountain' music).
Several of my better songs celebrate and pay homage to the only animal with which Man has a true relationship: the Dog. I have rescued and handled dozens of dogs as part of rescue groups, trained dogs, written a book about dogs and Man, and been encouraged by Dr. Ian Dunbar, the noted British veterinarian/trainer/television star.
My songs are short (under 3 minutes) and fall generally into a structure much like the 45RPM recordings of yesterday: To the point, a strong hook, melodic, natural lyrics that rhyme naturally and are not 'forced' and they tell story as well as paint a scene... I am gald to say that my songs are frequently mistaken for hit records when I perform them live.
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