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Thanks to Roy Elkins for setting up the seminar on how a Music Supervisor works. I am certain many musicians gained new insight, it always helps to study the foodchain, to see where you fit in. More people will have come away from that with a feeling of empowerment, inspired to tackle high paying sources, and to also be strategic in the act of composing music, in making versions for voice and/or instruments, and for stockpiling everything or collaborating to build a library. Also: to be yourself, not all things to all ears.
The name is a train. Makes sense for Blues. A train on an inner-city lightrail. I love it. It's a spy film on rails. There's no better place for song ideas than in watching people. Everyone has a story. News media next. Then classifieds. So many good leads for stories...
I write the music that I would like to hear coming out of the media. What sound, what kind of songs, what topics would you sing about?