Kourosh Dini
Kourosh Dini is a musician and psychiatrist.
The pursuit of understanding the mind is reflected in sounds, symbols, and words. Working in the medium of piano and synthesizer, Kourosh creates sounds variously described as relaxing and soothing, while gripping and hypnotic. Performed in an intense state of concentration, the music invites the listener into a meditation reflecting upon the mind's natural ebbs and flows.
His musical studies began at five years of age and progressed by way of individual tutoring in the classical composers. Influences during this early period of musical development included Chopin, Bach, Beethoven, and Rachmaninoff. In adolescence, he would also listen to and improvise around the music of the Beatles, Metallica, and Mike Patton. Later influences included Phish, Tool, Simon Posford, Bill Laswell, Pete Namlook, James Bernard, among others.