Check out - the music site for highland musician and composer Lada John Brozovsky. From the relaxing melodies in his romantic piano album Highland Preludes - inspired by the beauty of the highlands, to songs and instrumental music - listen to the tracks and view the photos of the scenery that inspired the music. Living in the Highlands of Scotland is definitely inspirational.
A Bit About Myself
The name is Czech, I moved to England when I was young, and now I'm living in the Highlands of Scotland taking advantage of the muse that the region seems to provide. I studied at the Trinity College of Music in London where I did lots of music stuff and won a couple of competitions. I don't like to limit the styles of music that play, listen to or write. While in England, I was Organist and Choirmaster, played in a progressive rock band and a 60's rock and roll band. Compositions include works for choir, organ, string quartet and synthesisers.
The solo piano album "Highland Preludes" was recorded at the Byre recording studio in Culburnie and is available in local shops and "Borders Books and Music Store" (Inverness). Individual tracks may be downloaded from this site. Currently I'm writing and recording songs and instrumental music and getting this website gradually up to date.
If you like the music on this site, please pass on the web address to your friends, family and colleagues - Thank you.