Welcome to my music page! I am a multi-instrumentalist, performer, engineer, producer, songwriter, lyricist, and programmer - pretty much anything that has to do with music and music production, I try to get involved! 

If you're local to the midwest, you may have seen me perform as the bass/keyboard player for The Supertramp Tribute band as well as many other local tribute / cover / original bands.

In the studio, I am lucky to get to record with some great session players as well as working with cutting edge technology such CDVM (Computer Designed Vocal Modeling) - a revolutionary way to record v

Latest News

New album in the works plus many new projects for 2012. Please see below for performances and appearances throughout the area.


Bernie Sims
over 30 days ago to Mitch Cooper

Key Mitch congrats on getting "I Need You" selected this morning for that Love Song brief! Really nice song, vocals and production. What a voice Man! I'm pretty new to Broadjam and am committed to making some placements in the Sync world this year. I have a lot going on, and also perform like you do, but as a solo, doing both covers and originals with backing tracks. My stuff is as berniesimsmusic.com. Oh, I'm in Salem OR. Have relatives all across WI. My mother's family was from Darlington. Perhaps we could do a co-write or two sometime? Like your production skills a lot too. Take care - let' keep in touch! Bernie Sims 503.880.0023

Antoin Gibson
over 30 days ago to Mitch Cooper

Thank you for the connection and the kind words. To answer your question, yes that is my own vocal. I do all my own song writing, composing, producing, vocals (and effects of course as I'm not a fan of my own sound or have certain visions I try my best through the production to bring out into reality) etc. I have always lived and breathed music especially as an emotional release and mechanism, however I don't have the talents or capabilities like yourself to make a career out of it. It's become a relatively new hobby to express myself and make that public in case any one enjoys or connects with it then that's satisfying to me to be just myself that does. Sorry for the rant, thanks again for the connection and you're extremely talented and successful so it means a lot.

Chris Landi
over 30 days ago to Mitch Cooper

So Mitch, are you and Wanderlust one in the same? Even more impressive!

2 Replies
Mitch Cooper
over 30 days ago

I am the musicial composer and producer for Wanderlust. In this project as well as Stanza & Crescendo, I have a songwriting (lyricist) partner - Jesse Daily. I have 4 other projects that I compose, perform, and produce for in several different genres. Thank you for the note and complement!!! I really appreciate it!!

Chris Landi
over 30 days ago

All fantastic. You deserve to reap the rewards.

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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