Two years ago unknown creatures landed in Berlin. They call themselves Hugo and Bibi. Together with mutant General Scherman (half-man / half-alligator) they created a new dance machine - My Woshin Mashin. After self-learning of th? Earth languages and several shows in Europe and CIS this trio have prepared something special... for the Earth. The first brutal-pop LP - "Mawama". Come and meet them: cute aliens hiding under regular human skin. Invasion has begun! Resistance is useless! It's time to know what it means - Mawama. Support the Aliens!


On the planet where we were born all female species speak with vowels and all male species with consonants only. It took us great pains to learn singing in your international language. Our headquarters is temporarily in Berlin. Our neighbors have no slightest idea that they live with arthropod alien invaders hiding under regular human skin.


This Artist has 1 Video

My Woshin Mashin Friends

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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