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The buzz surrounding Phat Phunktion's furious sound is spreading like wildfire with no signs of slowing down. With a list of admirers that include Maceo Parker, Morris
Day and the Time, and Tower of Power; they clearly are making a statement.
So why all the hype?
The sheer level of musicianship is astounding, as is the fresh songwriting documented on their second CD HERE WE GO!!! Can they play live? You have been warned...
A lot of horn sections are appearing these days, but none like this one. Phat Phunktion's horns run a marathon every night, and they are tight! Especially impressive is the
chop-breaking brass work of trombonist Courtney Larsen and trumpeter Jon Schipper. Al Falaschi anchors the section on tenor sax, while Dan Wallach holds down the
bottom on baritone sax, though he's also known to whip out the alto and wail.
Phat Phunktion also rides on one of the tightest rhythm sections around. Drummer Sheldon Allen and bassist Rob Szudy lay down a bed of pumping syncopation under
the jazz and funk stylings of guitarist Vince Jesse and keyboardist Tim Whalen.
As if all this were not enough, Phat Phunktion also enjoys the variety of not just one, but four accomplished singers. Vince, Rob, Tim, and Al all have quite different voices
and approaches, yet they blend into smooth harmony with ease.
These eight would probably be studio musicians if they didn't have something to say...but they do! They have somehow managed to combine the raw ener