Poltergeist is better known as Exiqiuo "EZ" Cooper-Anderson. He is a music producer, emcee and budding entrepreneur. He also moonlights as a software developer in Santa Fe in between spending time trying to establish Tetractys Productions as a force in creative, quality entertainment.

Exiquio was born in Riverside, California in a situation where he didn't have a father and hardly had a mother. Due to associations with the US military as both a dependent and member, EZ has travelled to many places and resided in quite a few of them. He was raised in Hinesville, GA where he made mistakes expected of him, but he has long since grown and he currently resides in beautiful Santa Fe, NM where he helps raise his wonderful daughter, Aliyah.

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Poltergeist - The Black Death - 03/12/13


This Artist has 1 Album
Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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