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The AustralianEnglishman is the one and only one guy on the planet who will re-create your house and garden inside a virtual world, where he will re-design them completely, including decking, sunrooms, trees, shrubs, flowers, lawns, hot tubs, pools, barbecues et al. Then he will make a movie of your project so you can walk through and fly over your property - taking a trip into the future to see close up and from a bird's eye perspective, just what your home and garden could look like. He'll provide all the plans etc for your gardener/carpenter, or his skilled, dedicated team will do the whole thing for you from beginning to end.
All you have to do is to send him some photos, and dimensions, and away he goes.
The AustralianEnglishman, with his company is as unique as it's possible to get - incredible!
Just as unique, is the fact that it doesn't matter where you live in this world, from California to Sydney to Paris and London, the AustralianEnglishman can recreate and redesign your home and garden inside a virtual world, creating a movie for you to walk through and fly over, while you listen to the birdsong and the sound of water from the waterfalls or fountains he creates in your garden, and while you look at the birds and the butterflies fluttering about - talk about realistic - it's like being inside a Disney fantasia movie, but with your own home and garden as the real-life setting!
The AustralianEnglishman & can be contacted on +44(0)1225443020