When I was 10 years old, my mom made a comment regarding my booming voice. "Your voice is very loud," she said. "You should be a singer." I took her comment to heart and began singing when I turned 14. I have to laugh now as I think about how she got the booming voice part right but that she forgot to check me for pitch.
I wasn't gifted with the greatest voice but who really cares? This whole music thing is just simply a lot of fun no matter how good or bad one is at it. That is what it is really all about.
Come and stop by my web-site and drop me a line. I'd love to hear from you. And, no matter what music you listen to and/or play enjoy it and have some fun!
Rich Chambers BIO
I don't believe my story is a whole lot different from any other musician's story. I discovered the guitar at the age of 10 and puttered around on it for about 4 years before jamming with my first band and becoming totally hooked.
Music became everything after that. School kind of fell to the wayside as I was so sure I would be the
next big thing" (kind of funny now considering I currently work at a university and am on the verge of completing my Masters degree). After barely graduating from High school, I embarked on my career to stardom.
Well, "stardom" took me into many cheesy dives to play in front of about 10 drunk people (on a good night) for a couple of rounds of beer. It also brought me a lot of rejection and "you ain't got it kid" comments. So, soon after leaving high school I did the smartest thing I could have ever done ... I went back to school, which led to a Bachelors degree and now a Masters degree, and a whole new way of thinking and seeing things. Education rocks!
Along the way, I put out a Christmas CD called "Santa's Rockin' Band" and then formed a band (Half-Hour Late) with some of my best friends. Our musicianship has always been suspect but 12 years and one album later, we are still having beer, eating pizzas, jamming in the basement, playing the odd gig as long as it looks like it is fun, and generally having an absolute blast.
I feel blessed to be able to enjoy and share music with my best friends and I am thankful for a certain clarity that they have helped to give me; music is about fun more than it is money and fame. Don't get me wrong, if the money and fame ever came my way, I wouldn't complain, but it really doesn't matter too much. I do this whole music thing because I love it and I write and record because it is my passion.
My latest CD "Last Train to Clarksville" is a culmination of a lot of years for me. I have a few things to say in a couple of the songs but generally the music tends to not take itself too seriously, which is one reason why I think this album works. It also is the first bit of music that I have completely recorded, mixed, and mastered myself, a feat to which I am quite proud of.
Anyway, that is about it for me. I wish you all the best and a sincere thanks for logging in and checking out my music. Please feel free to drop me a line and say "hi."