I am Shawn, and I am a songwriter. I write songs. I write them because I can't not write them. I can't get away from them. I have tried, but they follow me; they will not go away. They wake me up at night. They harass me at work. They hang over my head like clouds, and when they get heavy I can't see through the fog. They weigh me down and they pressure me to do things, bad things. If I resist, they multiply and attack me. These songs, I want them gone. They need their own lives, before they overtake mine. I will sell them, rent them, even give them away. Please, just find a way to help free me from this madness.

Latest News

The past few weeks have not been productive. My workspace needs an overhaul, so I need do some setup changes before I can get back to recording. I plan to have new material to release when I'm done.

About Shawn

Shawn is a songwriter/composer from the US whose influences range from Bach to Boston. His varied listening tastes are well reflected in his own original music, writing as the mood strikes in whatever genre fits the moment.


Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago to Shawn Christian

Hi! Thanks soo much for your kind and thorough review of "Stranger"... The length of comments in the positive section were truly appreciated!!!!! Ready to check out your music!..... Many Blessings.. Julia:)

1 Replies
Shawn Christian
over 30 days ago

You're very welcome, Julia. It was a pleasure to listen to!

Shawn Christian
over 30 days ago to Shawn Christian

I'm looking for some feedback on my song 'Those Feelings'. If anyone has time, please take a listen and let me know what you think. Thanks!

2 Replies
Dalton Caldwell
over 30 days ago

Hey... I really like the chord changes. It sounds to me that it could be faster say 112BPM. It sort of lays there and that takes away from the song. I'd cut the intro in half. You have a catchy hook, it just takes too long to get to it. But the song definitely has potential. Lennon & McCartney went to the studio with a tune that was down tempo. They were going for a Roy Orbison kinds of feel. George Martin told em "NO" and to go back and rework it. The next day they went back to the studio with an up tempo version of the same song and "Please Please Me" went on to become their first number one hit. Ya just never know. Give it a shot... or not kenney

Shawn Christian
over 30 days ago

Thanks for your comments Kenney. I agree, it does lay there a bit. I just tried it out and 112bpm is pretty fast so I'd have to change the groove to get it to work up that high. But I think doing so might also make it sound more contemporary, and maybe that's a plus. You've given me some ideas! Thanks for checking it out!

over 30 days ago to Shawn Christian

Opus 405 .... just beautiful!!! :)

3 Replies
Shawn Christian
over 30 days ago

Wow... Thank you so much!

over 30 days ago

You are welcome Shawn... thank you.

over 30 days ago

VERY creative Bio comments! :) made me laugh .... perhaps because I can identify!

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