Polyphonic Clair

Polyphonic Clair

Artist Songs

The return of Mozart From the Grave
Unique - General
Plays: 2
A LittleTiddlie
Classical - Contemporary
Plays: 1
Hiding a heart of sadness
Unique - General
Plays: 2
Repeat after Me
Unique - General
Plays: 2
Oh the Pain!
Unique - General
Plays: 1
A Cowboy That Was"nae
Unique - General
Plays: 2
Unique - General
Plays: 0
Having a Silly Day
Unique - General
Plays: 0
Queen of the Sea
Classical - Baroque
Plays: 1
A Puppets Dream
Unique - General
Plays: 2
A Rather Confusing Accent
Unique - General
Plays: 2
Can you Hear Her!
Unique - General
Plays: 4
Inside out, Upside down and Back to front
Jazz - Smooth Jazz
Plays: 3
What If.........?!
Unique - General
Plays: 7
Peep Toun
Classical - Contemporary
Plays: 3
Sly old fox
Unique - General
Plays: 1
A Long Long time ago
Unique - General
Plays: 4
Opposite Attract
Unique - General
Plays: 4
On that Rocky road again
Jazz - Smooth Jazz
Plays: 2
Reverse Mozart (instrumental)
Classical - Classical
Plays: 0
Reverse Mozart (piano)
Classical - Classical
Plays: 2
Voicing An Opinion
Jazz - Smooth Jazz
Plays: 1
Burn't Rice
Jazz - Smooth Jazz
Plays: 1
Trying to Find JAZZ!
Jazz - Smooth Jazz
Plays: 3
Classical - General
Plays: 4
Blues not so blues
Unique - General
Plays: 3
Getting A Handel on things
Unique - General
Plays: 5
My Halo Slipped
Classical - General
Plays: 5
Always repeating myself
Unique - General
Plays: 2
Reverse Amen
Unique - General
Plays: 2
A long long Christmas
Unique - General
Plays: 2
Oh no here we go Again!
Unique - General
Plays: 6
Just as it is!
Unique - General
Plays: 5
Opposite to mood to you
Unique - General
Plays: 6
Wishing you Weren't an Angel
Unique - General
Plays: 5
Baching up the wrong tree(piano)
Classical - Baroque
Plays: 7
Loosing Unconditional Love (to wee pip)
Unique - General
Plays: 13
Mixing Things up
Blues - General
Plays: 2
Blues and Twos
Blues - General
Plays: 2
There's an Echo in here
Unique - General
Plays: 4
A Minor Problem
Blues - General
Plays: 5
Falling Leaves
Classical - General
Plays: 3
From one Extreme to the other
Unique - General
Plays: 7
Can a Leopard change their Spots!
Blues - General
Plays: 5
Missing piece (with instruments)
Classical - Classical
Plays: 14
Missing piece(piano)
Classical - Classical
Plays: 11
A slow walk to no where
Unique - General
Plays: 6
walking a different direction
Unique - Unclassified
Plays: 5
Jingle Stalked
Classical - General
Plays: 7
Version of a Version
Classical - Classical
Plays: 8
No More chances
Unique - Unclassified
Plays: 8
Sitting on the other side
Unique - Unclassified
Plays: 12
Disappearing Act
Unique - General
Plays: 12
The kirk on the hill
Unique - Unclassified
Plays: 12
A Poor Wee Wandering Soul
Unique - General
Plays: 22
If only you Knew
Unique - Unclassified
Plays: 20
Unique - Unclassified
Plays: 18
Oddities of life
Unique - Unclassified
Plays: 20
Odd Timing
Classical - Baroque
Plays: 44
Unmorphed Angel At Christmas
Unique - Unclassified
Plays: 11
A Morphed Christmas Gone Wrong
Unique - Unclassified
Plays: 13
Nothing Changes!
Unique - Unclassified
Plays: 14
Going round in Circles
Unique - Unclassified
Plays: 16
Keeping it exciting
Classical - Classical
Plays: 18
Similar But Different(Mirrored Happy Piano)
Classical - Classical
Plays: 17
My little piece of Heaven
Classical - Classical
Plays: 26
Having a snoop about in the dark
Unique - Unclassified
Plays: 13
Please Hurry up
Unique - Unclassified
Plays: 9
Misty Lagoons
Unique - Unclassified
Plays: 20
Unequal Conversation
Unique - Unclassified
Plays: 6
The Last Time I said Goodbye
Classical - General
Plays: 12
Trying to Understand
Classical - Classical
Plays: 8
Last Time I say Goodbye
Classical - General
Plays: 10
Mr Coopers Last Lamment
Unique - Unclassified
Plays: 13
Chaos seeking Peacfulness
Unique - Unclassified
Plays: 13
very liike the weather very changable
Unique - Unclassified
Plays: 11
The Wild Rose of the Lagoons
Unique - General
Plays: 8
Trying to uncomplex the complex
Classical - Baroque
Plays: 51
Hopless romantic
Unique - Unclassified
Plays: 18
All mixed up
Classical - Baroque
Plays: 63
Keeping to time
Classical - Classical
Plays: 17
Too laid back
Unique - Unclassified
Plays: 15
Just Like a Broken Record
Classical - Classical
Plays: 17
A Mystery Gone Wrong
Classical - Contemporary
Plays: 9
Z Million Miles Apart
Classical - Baroque
Plays: 44
Ball and ring
Classical - Baroque
Plays: 55
Bin Street
Unique - Unclassified
Plays: 11
I just don't Know
Classical - Baroque
Plays: 67
Flowing Forth
Unique - Avant garde
Plays: 14
just a spinning head (piano)
Classical - Classical
Plays: 28
As it should be happy piano(Jolly port seton)
Classical - Classical
Plays: 13
fading away
Classical - Classical
Plays: 18
Less Unsymphony (where's the tune gone - andante)
Classical - Baroque
Plays: 44
Devastation of loosing a dog
Classical - Medieval
Plays: 20
Web of lies
Classical - Baroque
Plays: 43
A Proper waltz
Classical - Contemporary
Plays: 14
wait and see
Classical - General
Plays: 15
a wee white Kirk
Classical - Baroque
Plays: 42
Classical - Romantic
Plays: 49
spinning head
Classical - Classical
Plays: 24
Classical - Classical
Plays: 25
The tree that's lost its Bach
Classical - Baroque
Plays: 39
ode to Mozart
Classical - Classical
Plays: 37
Jolly port seton
Classical - Baroque
Plays: 44
Clean Clean

Clean Clean

Artist Name
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