Haunting, beautiful arrangement of an old folk song. Even though it's not an original, the performer tells the story so well. She transports the listener back in time. One can almost picture this song being sung in an Irish village. Would be great for a movie/Netflix series. Absolutely beautiful job on the instrumentation and production. The birdsong is a lovely, authentic touch and really adds to the song. The vocals at the end of the song are simply stellar.
Wow I love the story and the beautiful music and vocal. Sort of swept me away on a journey where I could feel the scene. Could understand the adventure and then the sorrow. I really enjoyed listening to the song, and thought hmmm that actually strikes a pretty true chord! Yikes, story is completely relatable for some of us!
Very nice intro, a little long but it has good drama which draws you in. Good clearly defined sections. Nice interplay with the lead vocal around 2:30 then replaced with the subtle horn patch was very tasty. The accompaniment throughout is beautiful and well performed, just the right dynamics. You don't hear too many waltz here so that's refreshing.
Haunting atmospheric beginning paving the way to a beautifully laid out story.Your voice is entirely suited to this style of song Delta, I really enjoy your captivating music.