Song Length |
2:46 |
Genre |
Unique - Children |
We All Have Feelings
Written by Randy Sauer, 2021
We all have feelings. ECHO (we all have feelings)
Our very own feelings ECHO (our very own feelings)
They're always changing ECHO (They're always changing)
Our very own feelings ECHO (our very own feelings)
Verse 1
I might be happy and give a big cheer! (shout "Hey")
With a smile from ear to ear (point finger from ear to ear)
I might be sad and it makes me cry (rub eyes)
On a day with a dark cloudy sky (look and point at the sky)
Verse 2
I might be excited and jump up n down (Jump once)
Playing with my friends on the school playground (move arm like throwing a ball)
I might be worried and can't go to sleep (hands by head like falling asleep)
Even if I count 10 thousand sheep (Hold up ten fingers)
Verse 3
I might be angry and stomp my feet (Stomp)
My face turns red like a bright red beet (put hands on sides of head)
I might be scared and it makes me shake (Shake)
My body trembles like i'm in a earthquake (keep shaking)
If what you're feeling gets too strong (Strike pose to show off muscles)
Take a deep breath and let your brain calm (Take deep breath)
Keep taking breaths that are deep and long (Take deep breath)
So you can make good choices when the feelings are calm (move arms like you are calm)