Yellow Hills Music is: the online music library established to provide quality music to up and coming, & established, artists, filmmakers, music supervisors, and organizations wishing to craft stunning art or sell astonishing quantities of their product. Our mantra is "the expense of a synchronization license should never inhibit an artist?s creative vision." Let our music create the sonic foundation that leads to better exposure and greater success.
Genesis of a Songwriter
Being born of goodly parents who raised me, along with my brother and sisters, on a healthy regiment of sixties music starring the Beatles, I learned early on the power of great music. I started writing music soon after, but I didn?t write seriously until I was deployed with the 28th Infantry Division in Bosnia, Herzegovina in support of Operation Joint Forge, SFOR 13. Thanks in large part to my experience in the Army; I now search for a publishing deal with a catalogue of over eighty songs.