Parlor Productions is owned by Larry Sheridan and Robin Ruddy. We are publisher/producers and do a lot of artist/writer development. Robin Ruddy is also a writer as well as a multi-instrumentalist. She plays pedal steel guitar, banjo, dobro, acoustic guitar and mandolin. She's toured with many major artists including Rod Stewart. We have a catalog of around 1000 songs and represent 20+ writers. Our catalog is country, folk, R&B. We can typically deliver instrumental or vocal performances of most songs. We can also custom produce for your project on short notice.


This Artist has 1 Album


Nice studio day. Holland Marie recording a new project here.

Many #1 songs and Grammy projects recorded here.

1 Replies
Parlor Productions
over 30 days ago

Can write and record custom songs or tracks for any project.

Starving artist demo days in the studio once a month. Robin's touring with Lynn Anderson. Working on artist development deals.

Parlor Productions Friends

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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