About Back To Good

Back To Good is a cover band out of the Columbia, SC area. We have been together for a couple of years and enjoy playing a wide variety of music from artists such as Tracy Chapman, Maroon 5, Lynyrd Skynyrd and Black Sabbath. We have recently decided to start working on original music and are very excited about this journey and what it means to us as individual artists. While we enjoy doing covers, and find it very challenging, nothing compares to the satisfaction obtained when one creates their own music. You can learn more about us by visiting our site at www.backtogoodband.com.


This Artist has 3 Playlists


Dalton Caldwell
over 30 days ago to Back To Good

Hey there,

sorry i'm so late in posting a thank you for that great review of "Lost In Love" really appreciate all the positive comments. I like the lead Steven did on that one a lot as well. thanks again... kenney

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago to Back To Good

no love is a great song. great vocals and guitar playing. i love the chorus melody. very catchy!

4 Replies
Back To Good
over 30 days ago

Thanks man. Interesting story behind this one. My bandmate recorded the guitar track about 10 years ago and shelved it. About a year ago he sent it to me just to get my thoughts and I loved it, but felt it was great as an instrumental piece. Every album needs one, right? Well, I was jamming to it as I was driving down the road one day and lyrics started popping in my head so I quickly jotted them down and then fleshed it out later that night. What you hear is the finished product. I get love/hate reviews on the song, but I am proud to have written it. It's different and doesn't follow typical structure. I have only written two songs in my life and I am glad to say that "No Love" is one of them.

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

the best songs do not follow typical structure thats what makes them great! i get sick of the cookie cutter song writing mentality. there is no wrong way to create something new!

Back To Good
over 30 days ago

Amen. I have been trying to explain that to people I know. I tell them that if it "sounds good" to you then go with it. Chances are the average person will be fine with it. Sometimes people "overthink" music when it's really not meant to be so complicated, imo.

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

so true!!

Coyote Collective
over 30 days ago to Back To Good

Thanks for taking the time to review our song...greatly appreciated. Best of luck to you here on Broadjam...!

1 Replies
Back To Good
over 30 days ago

It was my pleasure and thanks!

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