
Previous Comments

Back To Good
over 30 days ago to Fred Dukes

Really digging "When You Find Me"! My only complaint is that it is too short! :) Great work!

Dalton Caldwell
over 30 days ago to Back To Good

Hey there,

sorry i'm so late in posting a thank you for that great review of "Lost In Love" really appreciate all the positive comments. I like the lead Steven did on that one a lot as well. thanks again... kenney

Back To Good
over 30 days ago to salt panic

"Flight Of Angels": This is a very unique sounding and well done song. I am normally not a huge of synth effects (if lightly done they are ok imo), but you really did a good job melding the sounds together. I really enjoyed the bass line during what I think would be the verse. Not sure if that, too, was a synth effect, but it was cool either way. \m/

1 Replies
salt panic
over 30 days ago

Thank you!!! Yeah, it's a bass line but I've got the arp synth going on too along with some guitar picking. That song was a fun one to do. Initially started it without the synth, but I needed to add something to it so that's when all that came in.

Back To Good
over 30 days ago to salt panic

"Awakening": I really liked the tempo of this song. I found it to be very relaxing yet thought provoking. Great job on your choice of effects and your panning technique. It really added another dimension to the song. \m/

2 Replies
Back To Good
over 30 days ago

I said "panning technique", but I may have mispoke. At points you had the effects coming through only one side. Not sure what that technique is called....mono effect? Anyways, I wanted to correct myself. ;)

salt panic
over 30 days ago

Ha, ha, well it's a wet delay with pick scrapes and a wah on one side and a metal slide on the other. It's a pretty simplistic song, but I enjoyed doing that one. The wah along with the pick scrapes was what I used to do when I would play Led Zep's "Whole Lotta Love" live. That's the best way I could get those effects used in the middle portion of that song.

Back To Good
over 30 days ago to salt panic

"Tethered": Well done. This song really sticks in your head after the first listen. The recording quality was very nice and I really enjoyed the energy of the drums!

1 Replies
salt panic
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the comments and the listen!

Back To Good
over 30 days ago to gordon chapman

"Out Of The Darkness": LOVED IT! As I was listening I was thinking "Man, if ever a piece of music needed guitar this is it", but then the clouds parted and the heavens opened up and THERE WAS GUITAR. AND IT WAS GREAT! You should submit this one because it would be perfect for a movie scene. Perhaps a good, emotional, slow motion scene with glass breaking and guns blazing...... This one is going into my favs!

1 Replies
gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

cool that was my first attempt at midi. i have 2 more movements to add to its going to turn into a metal frenzy then end on a serene major version of the main riff. then it will be done. some people didn't like the guitar in there but most did. i was thinking cinematic not pure orchestra.

Back To Good
over 30 days ago to gordon chapman

"Sorrow": Fantastic. I really enjoyed this one. Great sound. Emotion was powerfully delivered. Well done.

1 Replies
gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

thanks. i have a few more nylon guitar pieces i need to get recorded.

Back To Good
over 30 days ago to gordon chapman

"Cool Summer Breeze": Loved it! I added this one to my playlist. Very relaxing yet captivating. Your being able to play such a wide style of music so well is further confirmation of your beautiful talent. \m/

1 Replies
gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

i love all styles of music. check out sorrow you might like it. its classical guitar.

Back To Good
over 30 days ago to gordon chapman

"You Suck": Ok, with a title like this who wouldn't click play? Great heavy tune with a nice groove to it. Nicely done. My favorite thing about this song, however, was the message. I couldn't agree more. Cheers!

5 Replies
gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

i was thinking of re-writing some of the lyrics to make it more marketable. i just had someone give me a review that was not so good. they said it was unmarketable. and the lyrics were terrible. but i say have you ever heard of marshall mathers (M+M) he made a carreer out of controversy! maybe a couple of beeps would be sufficient!
thanks for your much appreciated enthusiasm.
i have three other songs in this vein "rumplenutskin"
"WTF" and "stoned"
i think these songs are going to be a love em' or hate em' type of thing

Bekker Audio Productions
over 30 days ago

I say, just do you thing. Not everyone understands an artists work, and thats what we are, artists. and we create. art..... Howcome a painting a 3 year old kid can paint..... be worth millions? cause one fool said. OMG that's art! and that one fool happened to have a lot of followers saying "Mehehehehheh" (sheep) :)

Back To Good
over 30 days ago

Yeah sometimes people like to be outside of mainstream thinking just because they enjoy being different. The definition of Art truly differs per each individual because each individual is different and what "speaks" to you may not "speak" to me or at least not in as loud a manner. Gordon, the lyrics are your call, of course, but I say this: While you can always add fancy words throughout your song the message is what is important and I think the people who don't like your song don't like the message and to that I say "Turn if off and go listen to something else." The entire music industry has abandonded the development of artists and adopted an "Image first, music second" mentality and it is sad because there are a ton of fantastic artists out there whose music will never be shared with the world because some jackass would rather invest in the drama of artists like Lady GaGa instead of music. Im a free market guy so it is what it is, but I keep hoping that what I am seeing is a fad that will one day disappear because I long for the days where music had a deeper purpose. There are still some great bands out there, but the focus of the music industry doesn't appear to be muscial talent anymore. I often wonder if the great bands of yesterday could even make it in today's music industry. And these are classic tunes that lots of people still rock to.

Robert Adams
over 30 days ago

Back to Good makes a good point with the "image first" comment about the music industry. It seems to me that the image vs actual music value thing is fueled by the need for many listeners to identify with (and feel represented by) music rather than listen to it for pure auditory content and whatever emotional or feeling response that brings. I think it's a micro version of a need many, many people have, in the larger (outside music) world to attach themselves to symbols larger than themselves; e.g. God, country, sports teams, etc.

While fills a psychological need, it's really too bad that it makes a substantial part of the music industry; not about music at all. Like so many other arts, success doesn't correlate with artistry as much as it does with $.

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

you guys are great!!!

Back To Good
over 30 days ago to gordon chapman

"G to the Zoria": I really enjoyed this. The sound was different, but refreshing. The guitar, of course, was brilliant! Great work!

1 Replies
gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

that was a collab with unj5. it was called zoria funks up on the gibson-330. which does not have much guitar. i loved the groove.
so i said let me put a lead track on it. i always wanted to mix guitar with electronic.
thanks again!

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago to Back To Good

no love is a great song. great vocals and guitar playing. i love the chorus melody. very catchy!

4 Replies
Back To Good
over 30 days ago

Thanks man. Interesting story behind this one. My bandmate recorded the guitar track about 10 years ago and shelved it. About a year ago he sent it to me just to get my thoughts and I loved it, but felt it was great as an instrumental piece. Every album needs one, right? Well, I was jamming to it as I was driving down the road one day and lyrics started popping in my head so I quickly jotted them down and then fleshed it out later that night. What you hear is the finished product. I get love/hate reviews on the song, but I am proud to have written it. It's different and doesn't follow typical structure. I have only written two songs in my life and I am glad to say that "No Love" is one of them.

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

the best songs do not follow typical structure thats what makes them great! i get sick of the cookie cutter song writing mentality. there is no wrong way to create something new!

Back To Good
over 30 days ago

Amen. I have been trying to explain that to people I know. I tell them that if it "sounds good" to you then go with it. Chances are the average person will be fine with it. Sometimes people "overthink" music when it's really not meant to be so complicated, imo.

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

so true!!

Back To Good
over 30 days ago to gordon chapman

Too Funked Up: A lot of talent here. Great drum work and phenomenal guitar! I loved the change at 3:55. Great work! \m/

2 Replies
gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

thank you! i will have to check out your page soon!

gordon chapman
over 30 days ago

if you liked too funked, check out "g to the zoria". "cool summer breeze" "sorrow" " in a ghetto the g da"

Back To Good
over 30 days ago to Sixty Miles Down

Thanks for taking the time to review our song, "No Love". Your kind words are much appreciated. You reviewed two songs that I sang though they were performed with two different groups, "No Love" and "Get My Fix" - the latter was under Sum Of Zero - and your comments were very inspiring. Anyways, thanks again for taking the time to share your opinion. \m/ \m/

Back To Good
over 30 days ago to Raymond Garrobo

Thanks for taking the time to review our song, "No Love". Your honesty is much appreciated. \m/

Coyote Collective
over 30 days ago to Back To Good

Thanks for taking the time to review our song...greatly appreciated. Best of luck to you here on Broadjam...!

1 Replies
Back To Good
over 30 days ago

It was my pleasure and thanks!

Greg Frain
over 30 days ago to Back To Good

Thanks for the thorough feedback on Insides Out. I'm actually taking the time to figure out the melody lines for all my songs before re-recording the vocals - a step I skipped first time around in my enthusiasm! Hopefully that will help with the monotony. I think the oboe might be an organ, but I'd have to check ;)

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