Jim Aitken

Jim Aitken


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Jim Aitken
8 hours ago to BroGreede

Thanks Bro for your vote of confidence in five Starring and Listing my, "Nashville Calling"!
I thought I was keeping it quiet! I suppose I should let friends here know it is released now!
I will add the Video now as well!

2 Replies
4 hours ago

Hi Jim....been a little while! I love this tune! You sent me a link and I also saw the video that accompanies it! Absolutely GREAT brotherman!!! How could it be anything less coming from you! I hope all is well for you ..your wife and family! You are Tops!!! Reach out anytime! I gave you my personal email....so feel free...it's easier to communicate...send tunes...pics...vids...etc. like you have already! I've been somewhat busy in my studio the past couple of months. I'm having an explosion of musical ideas...so I guess it's creation time! I've been listening to a lot of Classical...Neo-Classical music which I simply love. I am a Classically trained pianist!! I'm starting to record a composition that I've had on the back burner for decades and never recorded it. It will be an instrumental which I feel fits the Neo-Classical genre. I'm entitling it...Valerie( my daughter). I have some minor issues with the recording performance which I'm trying to fix without re-doing it because I couldn't possibly play it any better. So wish me luck...and you will be the very first person who hears it! Yes....let everyone know about "Nashville Calling" and please add the video!! "It's About Time"(this is actually a BroGreede tune)....LOL!!!

Anthony Z

4 hours ago

Oh...my good friend J.A......just in case you misplaced?......my personal email.....


Anthony Z

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to John Walradt

Hi John, glad to hear you have moved from an insecure area!
Tell me about it!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Raesoulman

Take it from me is a good song. It deserves the five stars from me and your accolade from The Great American Song contest.
Well done!
I thank you for the five stars for my song also!
I had success with a song of mine also!
I appreciate you hearing and giving my song five stars

2 Replies
Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

My "One Night Stand" is in the Earth Top Ten here!

over 30 days ago

Hi, Jim.
Thank you....:-) I'm glad you like "Take It From Me". All the best with your music...

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Ximvoodoo

Journey certainly takes you on a Journey!
Expressive, heightened, pensive, crescendo!
Do you create your music from specific scenes or your imagination?
Massive thanks for my, "One Night Stand" stars!
I reckon we both have decent music in us!

Anxious Rabbit
over 30 days ago to Jim Aitken

Hey There, thanks for all the Stars for "A Day I Won't Forget". Very generous! Cheers. TK

6 Replies
Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

No problem! You have quality! I have seen you Win quite a lot of opportunities on here!

Anxious Rabbit
over 30 days ago

;-) just dumb luck! Thx

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

I don't believe that!
Since we are almost live just now, I hope you enjoy my latest, song just recorded in Nashville and it is called, "Nashville Calling". Enjoy TK!
https://on.soundcloud.com/Fxy7tnVPJ 9CT7ShF6

Anxious Rabbit
over 30 days ago

Sweet tune. Has a nice sound track vibe. Good luck. T

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Don't know why I keep writing them.
The Public do not get to hear them since they are not played on Commercial radio!
Must be same for your music!

Anxious Rabbit
over 30 days ago

We write because we must! ;-)

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Anxious Rabbit

"That Was a Day I Won't Forget", is a mouthful but a really great song!
Loved it from the off till it finished!
It has everything! Great vocals, Duet, Music, music bridge, lovely chorus.
Masterful! Bravo!
Very touching subject lyrics; a bit like my "One Night Stand"!

1 Replies
Anxious Rabbit
over 30 days ago

Hey Big Jim. Thank you kindly. I wrote the lyrics and vocal melody, to a track provided by Kevin Savigar [ Rod Steward ] so I can't take all the credit. LOL Cheers TK

It's a raker of a song, "I Believe"!
It starts with a strong melody and just builds in music and intensity to a crescendo and unexpected heights!
You are a not bad singer Frank!
Yeah it's worth the five stars!

1 Replies

Great to hear from you again Jim!!

Thanks so much for the five stars my friend, and in full transparency, that's not me singing. I've just started using ACE Studio to create vocals on my latest stuff (this one and Walk It Back).

While I always prefer to have real singers, for these "pet projects" and having little to no funding for singers/musicians, ACE allows me to finally get my ideas completed. Then if any of my songs ever do show promise/interest, than I can explore a deeper investment in live singers/musicians.

But these AI Singer Platforms truly are a game changer for me... I love to write/record songs but can't sing to save my life and can't hire singers for every tune I come up with... so this really does it for me!

Thanks again for listening Jim... as always, your feedback is detailed and thoughtful.

I'll have a listen to some more of your stuff today.

Be and stay well!


Let me be the first to hear and comment on "Too old"!
You get Right into the music. Guitars and song sound a bit like some Beatles numbers!
Very professionally Recorded! Vocals are pitched well!
All your music is Top Notch! Listening to Hey Dallas now. Again it's yet another great song well produced.
Must get you to record my next one.

This I think you are gonna like!
Here is my latest song, "Nashville Calling" which was Recorded two weeks ago!
Do you know any Major Artist or Film company who could use it?
Every radio I have contacted about playing it were delighted to do so in US, England, Australia, Canada, Scotland, etc. even a college in Gallatin, Nashville, have it on Rotation!
Hope you enjoy!

https://on.soundcloud.com/cKPvZ3fyb 1bLkcTq7

Warmly, Jim Aitken

2 Replies
Lyfe Concierge Publishing
over 30 days ago

Thank you for the support as always Mr. Aiken!
I tried your link but couldn't get through
LC Team

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Apologies LCP, It worked before but I thank you for letting me know!
I tried it also and the address does not work now!
I have retrieved and checked the Link that does work so here it is!
Enjoy my "Nashville Calling"
If there is still problems, I can send an mp3 to your email address.
Please inform me if my link still did not work!

https://on.soundcloud.com/qBj6BW6u5 msShDEi9

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Paul Daren

Thanks for the five stars for "One Night Stand" Paul, but it was the other version featuring Kimberley Dunn which is in the Earth Chart!
Tim who sang the version you heard (who is in Broadjam also) sings it so well I must agree.
(I reckon it must be the song that's the common factor! Ha!
Please hear Kimberley's version!
What do you reckon about my song Link to, "Nashville Calling"?
Once I release it I will put it on here!
It is on many radios in US, England, Australia, Canada, Scotland etc....

6 Replies
Paul Daren
over 30 days ago

Jim, I have just listened to the other version of "One Night Stand". It's absolutely beautiful!!! The harmonies, the little guitar licks in there and the piano is so cool. Congratulations to you all. Love it!

Paul Daren
over 30 days ago

I tried with the link you sent Jim, but it didn't work unfortunately. I will look forward to listening to it though! Have a good Whitsun weekend!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Enjoyed "Coming on Home Again"!
Very listenable! Will hear again!
Your next song with harmonica I like! I play harmonica on the frame!
Sorry my latest, "Nashville Calling" did not play!
The link worked when I used it earlier but I have found that it only allows so many plays. Weird!
Here it is again if you have the patience!
https://on.soundcloud.com/aFZqJiU2k ngq9gGDA

Paul Daren
over 30 days ago

Hi Jim! Still doesn't work, unfortunately.

Thanks for having a listen to 'Coming On Home Again". I wrote it for my band and we've gigged it a few times now. It has been changed around a bit though these past few months and the version here is not how we perform it...if that makes sense. The other song, with the harmonica, I wrote a couple of months back specifically for a submission asking for folk songs in the style of Bob Dylan so I thought I would give it a go.
Go steady Jim and thanks again for your support!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Paul what is your email address and I will send my mp3!
I think Broadjam doesn't allow links!

Paul Daren
over 30 days ago

Hi Jim, no worries. pauldaren1969@gmail.com

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Paul Daren

Hi Paul, thanks for the stars re Reach the Sky!
It is a bit old school but it was my first Country forage!
My, "One Night Stand" is more up to date. What do you reckon?
I watched your Christmas video! It would have been a lot of fun creating it. Congratulations! Sync opportunities are always needing Christmas songs. Maybe I'll write one since it can be in vogue every year!

2 Replies
Paul Daren
over 30 days ago

Hi Jim! Hey, I've just listened to your song 'One Night Stand' and it's great, really! Love the lyrics as it tells many a persons story and musically its really cool. Well recorded as well! Many thanks for your support Jim and yeah, keep getting those songs rolling in!. Best, Paul

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Thanks Paul, for your great comments!
Actually my latest song, "Nashville Calling" is possibly my best!
It's not on here yet till I release it officially but here is a Pre release Link specially for you.
It is every Country Wannabe's dream!

https://on.soundcloud.com/cKPvZ3fyb 1bLkcTq7

My, "One Night Stand" is No.2 in Broadjam's Top Chart "Earth"!
Your 5 stars would get it back up to No.1 again probably!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Paul Daren

April skies is a lovely, classy song which progressively develops and tapers off at the end with single chinks on the keys!
Very nice indeed! Lovely strings supporting! Do you play the piano here Paul?

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Paul Daren

"It's Christmas Time" is a fun number!
They say Christmas songs are always popular and in demand!
I will have to try and write one!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to BroGreede

Hi Brogreede, you have been busy listening to a few of my songs! Thanks for taking the time and applying the stars!
I read your message to Frank and it seems that you will be busy musically for a while!
My songs are different from the norm since I just write the song that comes to me. My songs are usually stories.
No more so than my latest which is called, "Nashville Calling" which is being played on many radios now in US, Britain And Canada!
I can supply a link if interested!
Thanks again!

4 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hi Jim......sounds great!...yes ..please pass on the link...would love to hear " Nashville Calling".
TK-(Tony Keys)- BroGreede

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Hi Tony, I read you have had it hard! Every knockback is another lesson in life, but we carry on!
You are talented in more ways than one.
I just had "Nashville Calling" Recorded two weeks ago in Nashville.
Not sure how to get it to the wider public. It's on many indie radios but Commercial don't play indie music!
I reckon the whole family would get up to dance if played at a function!
You decide and hopefully enjoy!
I like a good story!

https://on.soundcloud.com/oystvBGVj BmgxB5TA

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

If it will not play, give me your email and I will send mp3.
Cheers my friend!u

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Oh, I see you have two of my songs in your Playlist! Thanks for listening!
Maybe have a check on my, "I See Her Dancing" if you have time!
My "One Night Stand" achieved No.1 in the Earth Chart here but "Jimmy" on here slated it in his review!
We are all allowed our opinion I reckon as long as it is also supportive!
Cheers finally, jim

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Jeana Marie Potthoff

A warm thanks for your stars for "When you gonna Hit"!
The Title just came to me as I was humming, but don't know what inspired it!
The story just seemed to evolve by itself: You know I love a story.,
As usual for me, the transpired Lyric was far too long, so cut, cut and cut again!

I listened to "My Favourite Memory" again because it evoked that nice calmness I experienced the first time of hearing.
If I could, It would have merited another five stars!

This time I played and enjoyed, "Written in the Stars"!
You have not produced one song I do not like, which is Testament to your creative ability!
On listening to "Written in the Stars", I could imagine a lone violin (possibly electric) weaving its own melodic path in harmony with!
Jeana, do you sometimes create Ensembles with your violin or viola?
That I would love to hear if you have any recordings!
Cheers, Jim.

2 Replies
Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Hi Jim- thanks again for your kind words and listening. You have a good idea to add violin or viola to my pieces. I don't really have a set up for that (my equipment probably has some way) I'm very limited in my knowledge of production! Maybe I will explore the idea in the future.
Are you vacationing in Spain? Maybe you will have a new song idea sparked from your trip. :-)

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Yes, a weeks break in Spain! Inspiration comes and goes if you don't jot it down or record it asap.
I stopped walking two days ago and recorded what I was humming, which to me sounded good for an emotional duet.
It is a real pity about Bob leaving here! He is right in what he says financially. I have had two gifted opportunities to use for weeks now but know the system is skewed against us.
Lovely people I have connected with like yourself!
Possibly, emails shared may be the way forward for me.
Networking is really vital and knowledgeably supportive I reckon!
Take care!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Jay Gross

Thanks for supporting my song, "One Night Stand" Jay!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Becky Wiles

Just Look at me is such a Powerful song!
Great music at its best.
You have a Cracker here!
And is made for your superb vocals.
I'm a fan!
So talented!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Becky Wiles

So delicate a song with your sensual vocals.
Just made for you!
Just love the slide!
Oh so Supremely constructed and performed!
Def 5 stars!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Becky Wiles

Real Lovely song, really suits your vocals. So sensual, especially low notes.
Great slide!
A well constructed and oerfirmed

Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago to Jim Aitken

Hey Jim Aitken-- thanks for the listen and the stars on my new song "The Last Of Me" --- much appreciated... have a great weekend and keep creating!!!

1 Replies
Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

I like good music. You fit the bill!
I see my song, One Night Stand" has just secured No.1 on the Earth Chart here!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Jeana Marie Potthoff

Hi Jeana, good to visit your music again! Always glad to connect with you!
After a cold winter( but minus snow this year) it is wet here in Scotland but the sunshine is surely around the corner! The frost did not stop me golfing in our winter league which I won!
Looking forward to holiday in Spain in a couple of weeks, where it is quite warm.
Shorts and t shirt country! Hope sun is now shining on you!
I enjoyed your "Spring Birds" and could envisage them hopping about but, "Until we Meet Again" I found quite sad.
I suppose that is a compliment since the emotion felt, matches the Title!
How are you doing!

1 Replies
Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Hi Jim--great to hear from you! Sounds like you had a good winter and nice that you won your golf league! A little frost won't hurt. :-) It's officially tornado season here, which we just had severe storms two days ago. Thanks for listening to Spring Birds and Until We Meet Again and the stars. I appreciate it! My cousin passed away which inspired Until We Meet Again, so it does sound sad. But life goes on, and springtime is a time of renewal, thus Spring Birds. :-)
Hope you have a great time in Spain!
All the best,
Jeana P

Massive thanks for you endorsing my music as "Folk" on here.
Any recognition by my peers here (especially highly accomplished ones like yourself) is supremely appreciated!
I read also that you are being recognised with tangible uptake in movies etc.! Bravo!!!

My portfolio of music is small but with some quality! I am sure there is a market for some of it!
Can you point me in the direction of a reputable company where I may promote and submit for opportunities in tv, film, ads, artists, etc.?
Thanks again
Cheers, Jim

1 Replies
Lyfe Concierge Publishing
over 30 days ago

Hey Jim, Try www.ctrlcamp.com

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Sarah Rebecca

Had to listen to "Lie With Me" again Sarah. Love it!
I see you have Country in your Intro!
I wrote my song, "Reach The Sky" for a female singer, but during Covid I just let Tim Patterson (Country singer) from Florida sing it!
He is good, but I really wanted a girl to sing it! I even made a Music Video to suit a female.
It is a story of someone brought up in the country who gets a job in the city but yearns to return to the country!
Can I please request that you watch my video "Reach The Sky" (it is on my site here) and if you are up for it, consider singing it in your best Country Vocals? I could send you the recordings of music backing without vocals. There's a challenge!

3 Replies
Sarah Rebecca
over 30 days ago

Just had a listen - love those classic country vibes :D might not get round to it super quickly, but I could totally have a go for you!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Absolutely superb!
The time is no problem!
There is no pressure nor deadlines.
I'm just delighted I'll hear it with a female Country singer as was intended.

I have music in both, wav and mp3 formats. Which would you prefer?
It would probably be better communicating by email Sarah, for sending mp3 and Lyric Sheet.
If wav file preferred I could send via "We Transfer".
My email: jim.a.aitken@gmail.com

Once you have music and Lyric sheet it's up to you!
I will not pester nor enquire.
Hope you have fun with it!
Cheers, Jim

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

I forgot! I will obviously apply the finished song to the video!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Sarah Rebecca

I'm afraid I only write songs (Lyrics and the Music) and send my twelve string and vocal recording to select artists, usually from Fiverr, to create the music and vocals.
A bit similar situation where, Elton creates the music and sings but Bernie Taupin writes his Lyrics!
Have you looked at "Fiverr"? If you have your own recording gear you could do very well!

1 Replies
Sarah Rebecca
over 30 days ago

Ohh how interesting - I have heard of it but for some reason never considered going on it. That's such a good tip, thanks!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to allison bolton

Massive thanks for my "One Night Stand" five stars!
Your "I Can Keep The Ring" certainly deserved them!
I will gladly catch up with more of your songs.
Cheers, jim

2 Replies
allison bolton
over 30 days ago

thanks Jim.

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

My apologies, "YOU Can Keep The Ring"

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to allison bolton

Hi Allison, l love "You Can Keep the Ring"!
Title made it no surprise what the song was about, but I think you have a real sentimental Cracker there!
So simple lyrics match the somber melody and singer performs as if it were emotionally them!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Barry Thompson

"Full of Beer" is in same mode as 'Lift up a Bottle"!
I like your great lyrics!

"Dream with me" is different from others I have heard? Shows your sensitive side!
You are a multi talented artist!
Sure, we should listen to each others craft.
I do not have many songs, since I wrote and recorded my first song (and maybe best) "The Promise" in 2021. So, it will not take you long to hear them.

2 Replies
Barry Thompson
over 30 days ago

Thank you Jim-- Very kind comments..... I enjoy trading listens with you and I know I have had one or more of yours come up in review process, I will make it a point to hear more on your list. Have a great day!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Likewise Barry, I've enjoyed your songs and will obviously hear more!
Appreciate the stars for my two songs!
Sing on brother!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Sarah Rebecca

What a Cracking song, "Stay" is!
Your vocals are at their sensual best!
Loved it! Sounded best with the ear plugs!
It really came alive with the beat later on!

And Thanks for the five stars for my two songs!
Where do you Gig?

1 Replies
Sarah Rebecca
over 30 days ago

Oh thank you so much :) And you're very welcome re your songs, they're fab! Not so much gigging at the moment, but when I do, mostly around Stirling :) what about yourself?

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Sarah Rebecca

I love, "Lie With Me"!
You sing it with heart so well!
"Away From me" is also a Lovely production!
Can't beat the Scots! Ha!
Of mine, I can recommend "The Promise", "One Night Stand" and "

3 Replies
Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

And, "I See Her Dancing"!
Enjoy, when you have time!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

I will listen to more of your songs!
They have earned the five Stars!

Sarah Rebecca
over 30 days ago

Hey Jim, Thanks so much for listening to my music, and for the lovely comments! Had a listen to your music too and loving it. In particular, really enjoy your lyrics!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Brad Norgart

"Life in 3/4 Time" was an epic song! I like your lyrics! A bit like mine which are mostly progressive stories! You create a great production sound!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Brad Norgart

"Those few dreams" sounds very John Denvery!
That's a compliment on your lyrics, guitar play and especially, vocals!
And thanks for selecting my, "One Night Stand" for your list.
Would be happy to befriend on here if ok.

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