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Pat Flanakin
over 30 days ago to Diana Rasmussen

Thanks so much for the 5-star rating on Who Dat Cat. Appreciate it.

1 Replies
Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago

You bet Pat, thanks for sharing your music with us!

Donovan Tucker
over 30 days ago to Adam Avery

John Lennon & Adam Avery ! How cool is that? Congrats Adam !

2 Replies
Adam Avery
over 30 days ago

Thank you, sir.

Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago

Great job Adam! You are blessed!

Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago to Diana Rasmussen

Just signed up for SongChasers with Seth Mosely and Full Circle Music- He has numerous Grammys and #1 songs in the market. Check it out for yourself and join me in the fun at:

Flava Hype
over 30 days ago to Diana Rasmussen

Hey, Diana, thank you for the stars and PL adds. I greatly appreciate that!

Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago to Warren Hein

Hey Warren, long time no talk...I have been out of the game for a while. Thanks for the 5 stars on STAND. Keep the great tunes coming!

Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago to amy abernathy

Thank you Amy for the 5 stars for my song Jesus the Annointed One - God bless you on your journey!

Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago to Signal 30

Thanks Signal 30 for the review of my instrumental Restrain - you are amazing!

Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago to Delta Burnett Reed

Thanks Delta for the review of Cold Bathroom Floor - wow, I totally forgot how depressing this song is, lol!

1 Replies
Delta Burnett Reed
over 30 days ago

Your welcome!

David James
over 30 days ago to Diana Rasmussen

Hi Diana. Thank you for the 5* for 'She Can Fly'. Glad you like it!. David

2 Replies
Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago

My pleasure David - great song!

Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago

Anytime David - great song!

over 30 days ago to BobBentley9033958

A bit boastful perhaps but, I'm very pleased to say that Like A Diamond has been #1 in the Pop Standards chart for 3 months now. The video has had 1000+ plays. It would be nice if it all transferred into cash but I'll settle for that recognition!

3 Replies
Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago

That is awesome, congratulations! Great song!

over 30 days ago

Thank you Diana.

over 30 days ago

I may have tempted fate, it's only in that one chat now!!

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Diana Rasmussen

Hello Diana, Thanks for reviewing my vintage scripture song. It's an oldie! Keep warm up there. How cold is it? Your friend in FL, Mrs. Kate

2 Replies
Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago

Thanks Gorgeous, here in WI windchill was -55 yesterday, -50 today. I'm hibernating!

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago


Delta Burnett Reed
over 30 days ago to Diana Rasmussen

Diana, There you are....I keep checking your sight and it always say over 30 days.... so glad your back and glad you liked 'O COME AND MOURN' I sang that as a solo on Good Friday years ago in church...your friend in music Delta

1 Replies
Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago

Thanks Beutiful - I missed you!

Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Thanks for the playlist add Roy on your POP 2019 with Raindrops are Tears. Hope your 2019 is amazing! Diana

Kathy Myers
over 30 days ago to Diana Rasmussen

I have been remiss in staying in touch. Did you make a comment on my profile page and I missed it or was it an old one. It is so good to see your face here on your profile. I trust you are doing well. I am well and still enjoy writing music.

Hi Amy,

Thanks for the 5 Stars on " I'd Throw It All Away For You" Glad you enjoyed it............ kenney

3 Replies
Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago

Thank you Amy for the 5 stars on Shoelaces of Grace, Best to you too! Diana

amy abernathy
over 30 days ago

Great Song Dianna!

amy abernathy
over 30 days ago

You have lots of talent kenney!

Crosseyed Miles
over 30 days ago to Crosseyed Miles

Tomorrow is my last day as Primo on BJam.
Unfortunately, there seems no reason to renew, as I have seen zero results, much like many of you.
I love the charts & format, but the ROI is just not there. I will still upload tunes & check in on occasion. I've made some good friends here, and also some shady ones, but all in all it was still fun! GL to all of y'all! ðŸ'Š~GP

5 Replies
Greg Lambert
over 30 days ago

May the force be with you, G1! I hope I'm not on the shady list!

Dallas Marshall
over 30 days ago

Hey buddy, I wish you the best of luck now and in the future. I one of the shady friends lol.

over 30 days ago

I'm familiar with the zero results Greg but the "nearlys" keep me going for now. As for the expense, I'm only glad I'm not paying for demos because I couldn't justify that outlay. Keep in touch and lets hear more of your great songs Henry!!

Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago

Been there too - God bless you!

Crosseyed Miles
over 30 days ago

I still am FB friends w/ a bunch of you, so I'll see you on there as well!

Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago to Diana Rasmussen

Just got the news..."We love your song Walking Wounded and will add it to our upcoming "Music With A Conscience" series that will air in March on both the radio station and podcast." ~ Women of Substance Radio & Podcast~

6 Replies
Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

Congratulations Diana; great news! Hope all is well with you!....xox

over 30 days ago

Congrats .

Susan Witzel
over 30 days ago

Great Diana Congratulations!

Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago

Thank you Cyndi & Tristryn - miss you both since I went back to work full time. Keep singing and spreading the love!

Cyndi Corkran
over 30 days ago

Wonder why I haven't seen you lately; I too, still in the work force, so totally understand the time management conundrum. All the best to you Diana! xox

rada neal
over 30 days ago

nice to meet you Diana!

David James
over 30 days ago to Diana Rasmussen

Hello Diana.

Thank you for the 5* rating for 'Robbing Me Blind'. As you probably realise I cannot take credit for the performance, Beth took care of the vocal. I look forward to hearing your work soon.

over 30 days ago to Diana Rasmussen

Hi Diana,

Thanks for the stars for Rolling On, much appreciated.

1 Replies
Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago

You're welcome - beautiful tunes ;)

over 30 days ago to Diana Rasmussen

Hi thanks for the stars diana .hope all is good with you . Cheers

Noreen Crayton
over 30 days ago to Diana Rasmussen

love your work! God bless

1 Replies
Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago

thank you Beautiful - God bless you too!

SL Guthre
over 30 days ago to Diana Rasmussen

Hi Diana. I haven't been in touch for a long time. I hope this msg finds you well. I listened to the Raindrops tune. You write incredible lyrics. Everybody has some personal story that coincides with your imagery. I haven't been doing much the last couple of years due to job related stress. I cured that problem...I'm retired as of this month. So... I'll be touching base as I ease into my new life.
God Bless you Diana.

2 Replies
Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago

Congratulations my friend! I have taken some time off too. I haven't recorded in about a year now. Still doing my blog and leading the Worship team at Church. Maybe this summer we can write a new one :) I always have lyrics, lol!

Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago

God bless you too!

over 30 days ago to Diana Rasmussen

Lovely song, i really like it...)

Abram Band
over 30 days ago to Diana Rasmussen

Merry Christmas & Tons of Goodness Everywhere for you yours...........Love Is Everything...Abram Band

1 Replies
Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago

thanks jacalyn - it has been a trying season - but new things are coming for both of us in 2016. God bless you my friend!

over 30 days ago to Diana Rasmussen

nice sounds

1 Replies
Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago

Thanks for listening!

Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago to pSchwepker8427135

Thanks Gladstone Avenue for the stars for my song SOUTHERN COMFORT - blessings! Diana

Michael Rosso
over 30 days ago to Diana Rasmussen

Hello Diana, thank you so much for the pl additions and 5 star ratings! Appreciate you taking the time to listen and reach out!
All the best,

1 Replies
Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago

Thanks to you too - love your music ;) Diana

Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago to Michael Rosso

Love "These Barren Walls" Michael, wow - great sound! Blessings, Diana

Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago to Diana Rasmussen

Thank you very much Diana for the listening, stars and playlist addition on my song "The Corner Of Paradise (Mama)" I really appreciate it very much! All the best to you and you wonderful music!

1 Replies
Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago

My pleasure - love your music!

Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago to Abram Band

Thanks Jacalyn for the PL adds of my song SOUTHERN COMFORT. Wrote this one for a Artist Pitch for NSAI. God bless you sis, Diana

1 Replies
Abram Band
over 30 days ago

You are welcome beautiful Diana! Much Goodness &
Love to you & yours dear sis of mine. God Bless You! Jacalyn

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