Frank Pietrantoni (aka FrankLP)

Frank Pietrantoni (aka FrankLP)


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Hi Jeana,
I hope all is well your way. Thank you so much for the 5 star rating on Movin On. That one and Take The High Road were my attempts at writing somethning in a Blue-esque genre! I'm so glad you liked Movin On!

It looks like you may have posted a new tune ior two! I'll check 'em, out while I'm here.

Have a great day and thanks again,

Hi Amy,
Thanks so much for the 5-star rating on Angela's Haunting. I appreciate you having a listen and am glad you like that one!

While I'm here I'll check out one or two of our songs. I'm impressed with all the collaboration you've done... 75 songs... nice!

I hope you stop by my page and peruse my songs... hopefully, you find a few more you like.

Be and stay well,

Hi Paul,
Thanks for the 5-star rating of Angela's Haunting. I appreciate you taking the time to listen and I'm glad you like the song.

I'll have a listen to another one of your tunes while I'm here.

Be well!


1 Replies
Paul Daren
over 30 days ago

Many thanks, Frank and thanks for listening to Old London Town song. Glad you liked it! Will listen to the link you sent as well, will be interesting...Go steady mate and keep well. Best, Paul

Hi John,
Thanks for the 5-star rating for Mom's Journey Home. I appreciate you stopping by and having a listen... glad you liked that one!

While I'm here I'll listen to some of your music.

Thanks again. Be and stay well.


Hi Shelly,
Thank you so much for the 5-star ratings on Movin On and Take It Back! I really appreciate you stopping by for a listen and am glad you liked these songs.

While I'm here, I'll have a listen to some more of your music.

Thanks again and stay well!


Hey Kenneth,
Thanks for the 5-star rating on Mom's Journey Home. I appreciate you having a listen and I'm glad you like it!

While I'm here I'll have a listen to some of your music.

Thanks again... be and stay well!

Hi Paul,
Thanks for the 5-Star rating on Taker The High Road. I really appreciate you listening to it and am glad you like it!


Hi Michael,
Thanks for taking the time to review my song, Kids Want Santa. I appreciate you listening and providing your perspectives.

While I'm here I'll check out a couple more of your songs.

Be and stay well!


1 Replies

Hey Michael,
I just listened to your Christmas in Pink. Nice concept and solid arrangement. I've been using AI for vocals for the last six songs that I've done. I can't sing to save my life, and don't have the resources to hire vocalists for my various "pet projects" so using AI has been a lifesaver for me.

Your AI vocal has some of the artifacts that I experienced early on. What platform are you using? I've been using ACE Studio and have been getting pretty decent results as I've learned more using it.

Keep working at it and you'll get that AI vocal to really sound great.


Hi Mathan,
Thank you so much for the 5-star rating of my song: Mom's Journey Home. I appreciate you stopping by to have a listen and am glad you like the song.

I see that you are in Australia. My wife Jane is from Australia as well... from Sydney. We met on the internet, got married and she's been here in America now for 24 years. She wrote the lyrics on several of my songs... in fact she wrote the lyrics on six of our seven original Christmas songs! Check them out and you may see/hear a reference or two to her Aussie homeland! nkpietrantoni/franklps-christmas-mu sic

While I am here I'll have a listen to some of your music.

Stay and be well!

Hi again Bake,
It looks like BJ cued a couple more of mine up for you! Thanks so much for the reviews on Classical Cruise and AM JAM. They are two very different tunes, for sure. I appreciate you listening to all my stuff with an open mind. I do like to meander through various styles!

Thanks for the time spent listening and offering up your perspectives... it's greatly appreciated.

Be and stay well,

Hi Patty,
Thank you so much for the 5-star ratings on my songs, Mom's Journey Home and Just Time For Me To Go. I really appreciate you taking the time to listen and am glad you like them!

You have so much great music, I'm honored and humbled that you found something of mine that you like!

Thanks again,

3 Replies
Patty Tuite
over 30 days ago


Patty Tuite
over 30 days ago

I don't know why that question mark is there, I meant to give a thumbs up! ?

No worries... got it! :)

Hi there Chet,
Wow... BJ cued up one my older ones for you! Thanks so much for taking the time to listen to my song Shot From The Backseat. That one is from a time when I was using reel-to-reel tape and jammed 8 (or more) tracks onto 1/4" tape!!

I appreciate the kind review and your open mind!! ;)

Be safe and well!


Hi John & Geri,
I just wanted to thank you for the 5-star rating on my song "Back On Track." I really appreciate you stopping by to have a listen, and I'm glad you like it!

While I'm here, I'll have a listen to some of your music.

Thanks again,

Hi Diane,
I just wanted to thank you for the 5-star ratings on "Mom's Journey Home" and "Angela's Haunting." I really appreciate you stopping by and taking the time to listen to them. I'm so glad you like them!

Have a great day!


1 Replies
over 30 days ago

You are most welcome, your stuff is so pro, really great compositions!

Hi Michael,
Thanks for the review of "Sunrise in the City". That's a short piece I wrote quite a while ago for a specific "use case". In fact, I was asked to compose a piece of music, about 2 to 3 minutes long for the following scene from a screenplay titled "Presidential Matters" written by Gene Adamson here in Omaha:

"Riverfront Park, Nashville: The sun begins to shine on the city, beginning a new day. The rays cut through the fog and glisten on the river, as a barge glides over the water. Homeless people sit on the riverbank, staring blankly at another day of broken dreams."

Gene loved the piece, but alas his screenplay didn't make it very far. But it was a really fun project.

Thanks again for the review and your honest perspectives.


Congrats on all your successes this year! Loved your "Sunday She Knows" and rightly deserving of the top 100 spot, keep-it-goin' Frank, you're a rising star!!
Cheers to you and yours, and a very Happy Thanksgiving ! Diane

1 Replies

Thanks so much Diane! I'll be sure to drop by your page to have a listen to more of your music.

And have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!!


Hi Bake,
Sorry for the long delay in getting to these... but I just wanted to say thank you so much for taking the time to listen to and review my songs (looks like Broadjam cued several of mine up for you!): Never Say Never, Don't Make Me Fall, It's Your Attitude, and Talk Talk.

I really do appreciate your perspectives and comments! Thank you so much!!

While I'm here I'll check more of your music too.

Thanks again... be and stay well!


1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thanks a lot Frank for the kind words. I really like your work.
Best of luck.


Hi again Chet,
Ya got another one of mine! Thanks so much for the review of "Frankie's Philadelphia Friday". As always, I do appreciate the time you take to listen and provide such useful feedback.

Your insights were correct... that song was intended to be a lyrical song, but I never built it all out, so just kept it a short piece for potential licensing applications.

Thanks again... and I'll check out some of your new stuff again.

Be and stay well,

4 Replies
Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago

You are most welcome, Frank. Really great work...always enjoy your work!


PS Check out my new songs. I have a new single, "The Last Riders On Route 66"..... fun tune.
And THEN....(drumroll).....check out my new ALBUM, "Laurel Canyon"! I have been working on for about a year. These are mostly older songs. I finally found them. They are the DEMO tracks I recorded to get my first deal with Kama Sutra. I went on to recording them with more production, but I remember being told that, at some point, I should release them as a solo collection because they sounded so real and authentic. I finally found them and it took a LOT of time to do a measure-by-measure sonic SCRUB to gee them to where they are now. They are mostly all solo vocal-guitar tracks with no processing. I got a very nice reply from a fellow songwriter who said, "Man, I have been looking for music like this. Simple, honest and intimate"......Spot on with my intentions.

Yeah, I think I've listened to a few already are those the ones that have the (LC) after each one? Those are really nicely done, and I agree they're very simple, and authentic sounding. It's great that you're able to put those together like that... really lends itself to focusing on the lyrics and melodies. Great stuff! I'll check out more over the next couple days.

Thanks again for listening to my stuff, I really appreciate your perspectives because I respect your songwriting and the work that you have done and are continuing to do!

Be and stay well,

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago

Hi Frank,

Thanks for the reply, glad you like the tunes. (LC) means they are from the album "Laurel Canyon".... I have another one like this that I am about done with entitled, "Tunesmith".... another collection with the same objectives...although, this one is a bit more gear into the Country-Americana-Folk-Rock genres. Then I go back to some new songs and more instrumental cues....gotta beat those AI machines.

Funny, I had a gent email me about my songs and he asked what "BEATS" I use... I told him I usually don't use "BEATS".... they are a thing called, "REAL DRUMS"... he didn't seem to know what the were and how to use them... planet, please!



LOL... "Real Drums" what a concept! I actually enjoy "playing" all my parts. I use various VSTs but lately I've been using the various drums and brass in the Eastwest library. For Bass Guitar I like playing with the Waves' "Bass Fingers" VST. And lately for rhythm guitar parts I've been using Native Instruments' "SESSION GUITARIST - ELECTRIC MINT".

I really have been enjoying playing parts more, but there a sometimes when loops/beats fit (or create) the vibe I'm looking for.

But I certainly remember the days when it was all about getting the guys together to jam and work on originals!


Hey LCP,
Thanks for the 5 stars on "Spring Time" and the "Keyboard" endorsement! I'm humbled and grateful!


1 Replies
Lyfe Concierge Publishing
over 30 days ago

You got it Frank, Always enjoy your work!

LC Team

Hi Chet,
Thanks so much for the review of "Mom's Journey Home". I really appreciate you taking the time to listen and provide meaningful comments/perspectives.

I actually chuckled a bit at your question too!! It gave me the feeling that you may have recognized is this one as one of mine! ;)

Thanks again... and I'll check out some of your new stuff... it looks like you've been busy writing/recording!


Aww Frank Thank you, I wasn't expexctiing that.

Hi again Clair,
Thank you so much for the review of "Classical Cruise". That was one that wrote many a measure ago for a licensing opportunity that... alas... I didn't get, but submitting music for licensing, placement or other various opportunities reminds me of a quote that I really like:

"Not the victory but the action, Not the goal but the game, In the deed the glory" - Hartley Burr Alexander

I am so glad you liked the piece, and I appreciate your thought about it being a tad bit slower... I think that would be cool.

Thanks again for listening and providing such positive comments!


1 Replies
Polyphonic Clair
over 30 days ago

Hi Frank that was a great piece of work and I will look forward to hearing more. I know the amount of effort to produce and create music. What I have learned this site is not all about the Licences its learning about yourself and your music in I have grown and hopefully will still grow until there will become a point I will get a license. great job frank

Hi again David,
Looks like you got a couple more of mine "Moods of Electra" and "Oceans Away". As you observed, those are older pieces that have some older VSTs and older "ideas" from yours truly! LOL

I appreciate you listening and taking the time to provide your perspectives... thanks!


Hy Barry,
Thanks so much for the 5 stars on "Take The High Road"... glad you liked it!

I'll check more of your stuff while I'm here.


Hey there all,
I just wanted to thank you for the 5 stars on "Mom's Journey Home". I appreciate you taking the time to listen and rate it... and am really glad you liked it.

While I'm, here I'll check out some of your music... I see you have quite an collection of work!

Thanks again and be well!


Hi David,
It's been a minute hasn't it? Thanks for the review of "Make a Wish". As always, I appreciate you taking the time to listen and provide considerate and meaningful perspectives.

I'll check some more of your stuff while I'm here.

Have a great one!


Hi Patty,
Thanks for the review of "Where's The Snow" ! Yeah, that one is a fun and predictable piece... and you're right about Holiday Songs. I think a lot of people like the standards at those times of year. My wife and I did out together our own original Christmas Songs (Where's The Snow included with 6 others) and it was really fun doing it. If you're interested here's a link to it on Broadjam: nkpietrantoni/franklps-christmas-mu sic

Note that the songs at the link includes a couple of covers that I did later but weren't on the actual CD... back when there were CDs!!

While I'm here I'll check out some of your stuff.

Thanks again for listening!

Be and stay well,

1 Replies
Patty Tuite
over 30 days ago

Thanks, Frank!

Hi Clair,
Thanks a bunch for the reviews on "Silent Night" and "Spring Time"... two very different pieces for sure. I do appreciate you taking the time to listen to and treat each one individually. I respect and thank you for your perspectives as well!

In regard to arrangement, I actually do prefer to hear artists covering a song and making it "their own". As far as Silent Night... I made the choice to keep my rendition a bit more simple/subtle. I do have a melody of Christmas Songs that I wrote/recorded many a Mistletoe ago, and I think it's more in line with the "make it your own" approach. Here's a link to it: kpietrantoni/christmas-medley

While I'm here I'll check out some of your music.

Have a great one!


1 Replies
Polyphonic Clair
over 30 days ago

I didl really spring time I want aware until now it was by also by you. I think simple is really good I just can't get the grips of it lol good for you I think we all do things differently with arrangements no right or wrong I just like to complex mines up

Hi Chet,
Thanks a bunch for the reviews on "Princess Jane" and "Hearing Voices"... two very different tunes for sure. I really appreciate that you take the time to listen to and treat each tune individually and on its own merits.

Your perspectives are considerate and useful... thanks for the positivity!

Have a great one!


1 Replies
Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago

My pleasure, Frank....anytime!



PS Check out my new release.... "Mt Shasta Rhapsody"..... it is a longer mediation track which will help you transcend:


It can also be heard at Broadjam.... best to use headphones and be able to sit for the whole song...I is an amazing orchestration....

Hi Rusty,
Thanks so much for the 5 Stars on "Take The High Road" and the Playlist add! I really do appreciate you listening and am thrilled you liked it!

Be and stay well!


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