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Pour Your Spirit On Me - The video truly hits home with this Message of God's Love - It is out there for all to receive!
Nightmares of the Heart - Is a dark song, and the video makes it clear what the song is all about. A mini-opera - It is long, but it keeps ones' attention!
Thank you Mike - I will pass this on to Scott and Tom and we look forward to hearing from you. Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year! Pia
Here is one of our new songs - hope you enjoy!
This song took us a long time to put together. After years of composing, writing and rewriting the lyrics to match the constant changing discussions between Tom and I - we believe we came up with a very powerful message - which we hope is shown in this video. We would love to hear from you as to what your thoughts are. This video is posted on youtube as well. Thank you for your support.
Sunlending Sky has just finished working on a John Lennon Song - Now and Then. We have put it up in two versions, unplugged and full band. This past week we have completed Dungeons of Cydonia. View the song/video at rlIcuEHA
Sunlending Sky has completed another song, now posted .... I Know You Love Me .... But - We are working on two more songs hoping to complete them by the end of the year. We are grateful that we have had 6 songs selected and hope to have many more. We thank everyone for your support and hope you keep enjoying our songs and music.
I really like this one Pia.
Thank you for listening and liking my song.
Love it Pia
Pia of Sunlending Sky