I love music, I love writing lyrics and collaborating with the guys in the band. I took some Opera and enjoyed expanding my range, but always went back to Rock. I enjoy feeling the music and hope that when I sing, I express those feelings.
In the late eighties and early nineties I did enjoy writing some dance tunes and some Pop Rock
I now enjoy the times when Sunlending Sky gets together to create new music, and offer it up in hopes that someone or some group would be interested in our music. Until then, I will keep dreaming, as we all should!

Sounds Like: Pat Benatar

Latest News

Sunlending Sky has just released their new CD "VARIANTS" - You can purchase them on Itunes and Amazon. For more information contact us at sunlendingsky.com
We have had three songs played on three different shows of Women of Substance Radio.
Thank you to everyone for your support!


over 30 days ago to SUNLENDING SKY

Pour Your Spirit On Me - The video truly hits home with this Message of God's Love - It is out there for all to receive!

over 30 days ago to SUNLENDING SKY

Nightmares of the Heart - Is a dark song, and the video makes it clear what the song is all about. A mini-opera - It is long, but it keeps ones' attention!

over 30 days ago to SUNLENDING SKY

Here is one of our new songs - hope you enjoy!

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

Artist Name
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